The structure, free and spacious, is composed of a concrete plinth and a metal cover divided into five modules of different heights for the entry of light and ventilation. The space works like a greenhouse open to the northwest and southeast, taking advantage of sunlight to heat it, in this way, its energy consumption is very low. From the outside, the warehouse appears ordinary and banal since the interior-exterior relationship is carried out through the openings in the roof.

Skyshell by Angas Kipa. Photograph by Manuel Reaño Reyes.
Project description by Angas Kipa
Agricultural Junior is a company based in Chiclayo that specializes in the sale of agricultural products. The company is environmentally conscious and avoids the use of harmful substances. Due to the need for a new storage space, Agricultural Junior found a perfect location on Gran Chimú Avenue on the outskirts of the city. This location is ideal for the loading and unloading of goods due to heavy vehicle traffic in the area.
The architectural challenge was approached in a simple manner: to preserve and refurbish an existing small building within the plot and add a volume of approximately 2,250 m³ that opens up to the sky to bathe the interior in light. The structure is open and spacious, consisting of a concrete base with vertical textures and a metal roof divided into five modules arranged at different heights to allow for the entry of light and ventilation. With a minimal amount of material, a large amount of habitable space was created, providing shade, ventilation, insulation, and wind protection.
Skyshell by Angas Kipa. Photograph by Manuel Reaño Reyes.
The architectural program is divided into two spaces: one existing space that is repurposed for offices and a wet area, and a second open and versatile space for the main activity. This second space can accommodate other uses in the future.
The resulting space was not designed as an object but as a response to the requirements of the commission and the site's location. The correct interpretation of the information determined the system that organizes the volume in section. Inside, sunlight filters through the structure, creating different heights under homogeneous light. The space functions as an open greenhouse facing northwest and southeast, capturing the morning sunlight rays so that artificial heating or cooling is not needed. Therefore, energy consumption is very low. From the outside, the architecture appears orderly but also ordinary and banal, reflecting its interior logic and focusing on the relationship between the interior and exterior through the openings in the roof.