Conceived as a space for celebration and gathering, AIM Architecture proposes a design in the dynamic city of Shenzhen, China, that aspires to be more than just a…
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Brewtown by AIM Architecture. Photography by Dirk Weiblen
The Quito-based architecture studio, La Cabina de la Curiosidad, led by Marie Combette and Daniel Moreno Flores since 2019, was commissioned to build the…
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Chaki Wasi, Shalalá community crafts center by La Cabina de la Curiosidad. Photography by JAG Studio
Mexican architecture studio RZERO was commissioned to design a new market, which replaces an former one, in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez…
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22 November Market by RZERO estudio. Photograph by Zaickz Moz
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group has been commissioned to transform a former supermarket building into the new Museum for Paper Art in…
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Rendering. From Former Supermarket to New Museum for Paper Art by BIG. Image by Wizarch
Mexican studio Colectivo C733 has been in charge of designing the new Guadalupe Market in Tapachula, Mexico. The…
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Mercado Guadalupe by Colectivo C733. Photograph by Rafael Gamo
Architecture firm OMA/Shohei Shigematsu has completed the Toranomon Hills Station Tower, developed by Mori Building,…
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Toranomon Hills Station Tower by OMA/Shohei Shigematsu. Photograph by Tomoyuki Kusunose
The Dutch studio MVRDV has been in charge of designing The Canyon, a mixed-use building located on the seafront of…
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The Canyon by MVRDV. Photograph by Jason O’Rear
The architecture studio CoBe Architecture et Paysage has just built two buildings for housing, work, vocational training,…
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Laherrère center by CoBe Architecture et Paysage. Photograph by Luc Boegly