Following a three-phase competitive process, David Chipperfield Architects Berlin, together with Paris-based developer Emerige, has won the Call for Projects to redevelop the ‘Boulevard Morland’ site in the 4th arrondissement of Paris. The process is part of the wider city-led urban regeneration initiative - ‘Reinventer Paris’ - calling for innovative projects to redevelop 23 sites across the city. The winning scheme for the Boulevard Morland site both extends and opens up the existing structure which was originally built from 1957 to 1964 as a city administration building. The two top floors will integrate an inhabitable artistic installation designed by Studio Other Spaces that will house a bar and restaurant. The redeveloped complex will contain a mixed-use programme including housing, a youth hostel, hotel facilities, offices, retail outlets and a food market, establishing a new social and public landmark for the people of Paris.
Location.- 17 boulevard Morland. Paris. France.
Morland, mixité capitale
Design team.- David Chipperfield Architects / Calq Architecture / Olafur Eliasson, Studio Other Spaces, Intervention Artistique / Michel Desvigne, Paysagiste
Developer.- Societe Parisienne Du Nouvel Arsenal, Promoteur Et Porteur Du Projet / Perl, Operateur Logements Intermediaires
Collaborators.- Alto (Environnement Et Fluides), Bollinger+Grohmann (Façade), Somete (Structure), Bet / Encore Heureux Architectes (Reemploi Des Materiaux), Mds Consulting (Securite), Costes Etudes & Projets (Hotel), Marc Olivier Wahler (Art Et Culture), Btobaby (Petite Enfance), Conseils / Socotec, Bureau De Controle / Ubiant, Start-Up (Solutions Pour Batiments Intelligents) / Terroirs D’avenir (Commerce, Marche Alimentaire), Paris Art Lab (Espaces Culturels), Sous Les Fraises (Agriculture Urbaine), France Hostels (Auberge De Jeunesse), So-Sofitel (Hotel, Bar, Restaurant), Utilisateurs.
Owner.- City of Paris
Current occupation.- Offices
Plot.- 8379 m²
Current built area.- 40.000 m²
PLU zoning.- UG
PLU ceiling height of.- 25 metros