Chamber of Trades and Crafts by KAAN and PRANLAS-DESCOURS

More information

Kees Kaan. KAAN Architecten

KAAN Architecten is a Rotterdam based architectural firm operating in a global context and merging practical and academic expertise within the fields of architecture, urbanism and research on the built environment. The studio, led by Kees Kaan, Vincent Panhuysen and Dikkie Scipio, consists of an international team of architects, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers and graphic designers. KAAN Architecten believes in cross-pollination between projects and disciplines as an essential tool to fostering a critical debate within the studio.

Since the launch of the firm, KAAN Architecten has handled and supervised a wide range of projects, actively working with the private and the public sector, with project teams that become increasingly multidisciplinary and dynamic. KAAN Architecten maintains a culture of constant evolution, which is essential in a profession that changes at a rapid pace. KAAN Architecten seeks to uphold long-term relationships with its clients, consultants and partners.

KAAN Architecten’s projects transcend the traditional notion of scale and typology, ranging from furniture and interiors to urban development and from retail and offices to museums and buildings for health and education.

Selection of completed projects:

2017, B30 – Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, The Hague (NL)!
2016, De Bank – new KAAN Architecten’s office, Rotterdam (NL)
2016, Supreme Court of the Netherlands, The Hague (NL)!
2015, Provinciehuis of North-Brabant, ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
2013, Dreamhouse, Rotterdam (NL)!
2013, Education Center Erasmus MC, Rotterdam (NL)!
2010, District Water Board Brabantse Delta, Breda (NL)
!2008, Crematorium Heimolen, Sint Niklaas (BE)!
2004, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague

KAAN Architecten ©Casper Rila


PRANLAS-DESCOURS Architects – PDAA – is a french architectural firm, operating in a global context. PDAA merges practical and academic expertise within the fields of architecture, urbanism, research and graphics design.

The studio has built public buildings, housing, and interior designs, and has been nominated several times for the Equerre d’Argent. PDAA has won international competitions in Barcelona, Reykjavik, Paris, and Geneva, obtaining in 2011 the Urban Project Prize for the Rives de La Haute Deûle’s in Lille and in 2012 the Robert Auzelle Prize for the Urban Project of Bottière Chenaie in Nantes. In 2012, Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours received in the Honor Médaile of the Architectural French Academy. The main office resides in Paris, with a new bureau in New-York. The studio consists of an international team of architects, landscape architects, urban planners, and graphic designers. In 2011, a monograph, “Pranlas-Descours , Architecture Situations” was publish with an introduction of Kenneth Frampton.




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