Unnamed soundsculpture

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Daniel Franke (1982) works as an artist, designer and music video director in Berlin. His works challenge the restrictions of conventional spatial frameworks and – concepts: digital simulations should no longer be limited to an on-screen-display; instead the digital might be imagined as transferable into real space and thus extend perceptions of “the real”. Ultimately digital spaces should leave the realm of the virtual and enter the tactile.

This approach is present in works like „Spatial Sound Sculpture“ and „Durchsehen Exp. 01 (Augmented Perspective)“.

Daniel is a graduate of the University of Arts where he currently finished his masters degree (Meisterschüler) mentored by Prof. Joachim Sauter and Prof. Alberto de Campo. He is a Member of the WeAreChopChop Collective. In 2011 he co-founded the project space LEAP (Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance) in Berlin.

Onformative Studio Cedric Kiefer + Julia Laub

Onformative Studio Cedric Kiefer + Julia Laub. For us the generative design process presents a new way of thinking and a new approach on how to bring ideas to the market in a more effective and efficient way. onformative covers a range of fields from classical book design, to visualizing information, to experimental generative work. Our expertise along with an in-depth understanding of the project lead to innovative solutions that go beyond conventional ways of doing creative work. At the intersection of technology, design and emotion we develop innovative, cross-media solutions for our customers in the domains of culture, economical and education.

With our experience we can guide projects from the initial planning phases all the way to their implementation. We consult, and expand the horizon of possibilities in a playful yet consistent manner. We use our experience gained from experimental projects to develop adequate strategies for specific needs. Aside from commissioned work onformative offers workshops and seminars that give insight into new design methods. By doing so we provide our customers with the knowledge on how to integrate the generative approach into their design processes.

Cedric Kiefer. Studies in communication design at HfG Karlsruhe and FH Potsdam. Teaching generative design and Processing at HAWK Hildesheim, FH Wiesbaden, FH Mainz. Author for Weave Magazine.

Julia Laub. Studies in communication design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. Author and designer of »Generative Gestaltung« book. Lectures on generative design at numerous universities and conferences. Teaching at FH Mainz.




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