Superimposed are some of the tweets that were issued and received through hashtag # beauxi, placing them in the approximate time it occurred, which allows us to understand better what is happening at all times (you can read all tweets generated in this link:
During jury deliberation sessions, the team developing this policy was doing a live review. Was conducted through the official user of the biennial twitter(@bienal_arq) and methodological issues were discussed work of the jury. It enabled a channel for dialogue with the audience through the label #beauxi. The issues raised went to the address of the biennial and / or the permanent secretariat and were answered on a tight deadline. They had to do directly with the bases were resolved with this data. All these stories and conversations can be read here.
The scope of this work includes the account of the methodology used by the jury in the sessions that took place in the Hall of Nuevos Ministerios arches on the dates detailed.
The Chronicles below are a transcript of the extended live broadcast, which serve to leave a firmer consistency of the methodology followed during the work of the jury.
It also conducted a photographic record of the sessions with a fixed camera, scheduled to shoot a photo every 30 seconds. From these photographs was made a video that has been added as a subtitle, tweets produced in vivo. The synchrony between them (pictures and tweets) is approximate because it has sought maximum readability of the messages.