Seeking to relate to the Tuscan landscape. Furla Headquarters by GEZA Architettura

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GEZA Architettura. Lead architects.- Stefano Gri and Piero Zucchi.
Design team
Project leaders.- Arch. Alessia Dorigo, Arch. Marjana Dedaj. Architects.- Stefania Anzil, Elisa Mansutti, Beatrice Pellos, Francesco Tessaro, Giulia Marcon, Roberto Pasquali.
Coordination.- Clemens Kusch - CFK Architetti.
Structural Design and Supervision of Works.- Biagini Studio di Ingegneria (Arezzo). Ing. Piero Bracciali, Ing. Alessandro Fei, Arch. Francesco Misuri, Ing. Matteo Ciofini, Ing. Adrian Burca, Ing. Alessandro Blanc, Geom. Paolo Renzoni, Arch. Pietro Pagliardini (test).
Landscape Design.- LAND Italia (Milano), Andreas Kipar (project leader), Valerio Bozzoli (senior agronomist), Arch. Luisa Bellini (senior architect), Arch. Andrea Occhetti (senior architect), Arch. Cecilia Ricci, Arch. Francesca Villa, Arch. Laura Mantegazza, Landscape Arch. Gianna Galgani.
Structural Plan.- Consilium Servizi d’Ingegneria (Firenze), Ing. Paolo Pietro Bresci (mechanical structure project management), p.i. Marco Cellini (electrical and special structure project management).
Acoustic engineering.- Sacha Slim Bouhageb.
Geologist.- ProGeo Engineering srl.
Furla FC Immobiliare spa.
Client supervision.- Dott. Andrea Varini.
Bruschi srl, Arezzo (excavations and earth movement).
Frassinago - Gardens and Landscape, Bologna (exteriors and green roofs).
Baraclit spa, Arezzo (Prefabricated).
Pichler Projects srl, Bolzano (Facades and windows).
Impernovo srl, Modena (Waterproofing).
Fabbri Services srl, Arezzo (Building works and finishes).
Area of intervention.- 42,000 sqm.
Building Area.- 11,000 sqm.
Total Built Area.- 18,300 sqm.
Production.- 15,500 sqm.
Offices.- 2,800 sqm.
Terraces and green roofs.- 1,200 sqm.
Freight area and outdoor parking.- 7,700 sqm.
Green Area.- 23,000 sqm.
Design phase.- 2017-2018.
Construction.- 2018-2021.
Balneario Ing. Ferrari, Módena (Plantas).
ZR Light srl, Florencia (Luces).
VetroIn srl, Brescia (Sistema de paredes).
Balneario Graniti Fiandre, Reggio Emilia (Cerámica).
Deana snc, Udine (Productos de hormigón).
Baglini Group srl, Pisa (Ascensores).
Multitema srl, Udine (Muebles).
Della Chiara srl, Pesaro Urbino (Muebles).
Servicio Gráfico snc, Udine (Insignia).
Tavarnelle Val di Pesa, Firenze, Italy.

Gri e Zucchi Architetti associati GEZA

GEZA is based in Udine (Italy) and it works in partnership with MTD - Marc Thorpe Design (New York) and CFK Architetti (Venezia). Stefano Gri and Piero Zucchi founded the practice Geza - Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati in Udine in 1999. The most important projects completed recently are Furla Headquarters (Furla Progetto Italia, 2021), Pratic (Pratic 1.0, 2011 + Pratic 2.0, 2018), Faber Cylinders (2013) and Bosch/Freud (2018). Furthermore, another mention must be done for the award-winning project Silk-Faw EV (2021) and Capua1880 Headquarters (2021). In addition to the residential and housing projects, GEZA designed the setting-up of the New Craft Exhibition (2016, Fabbrica del Vapore, Triennale di Milano) and Casa della Musica (2010, Cervignano del Friuli).

Amongst the multiple international awards, GEZA won the American Architecture Prize (2019), Pratic Headquarters and Production Complex (2011, Fagagna - Udine) and House of music (2010, Cervignano del Friuli - Udine). In 2015, GEZA was awarded Architetto Italiano 2015 (Special Jury Award) announced by the Italian Council of Architects. In 2012, Pratic Headquarters and Production Complex won the private client category, announced by the Triennale of Milan. The same project was presented at the XIII Biennale of Architecture of Venice in the Padiglione Italia “Made in Italy”.

Stefano Gri (born in Udine in 1963) graduated as an Architect at IUAV, Venice, in 1988 and has been registered in the Roll of Architects of Udine (Italy) since 1990. After several vocational experiences in Italy, he moved to Barcelona, Spain to work with the practice of architects Tonet Sunyer + Jordi Badia in 1992. Since 2009 teaches Architectural Design at the University of Trieste.

Piero Zucchi (born in Udine in 1965) graduated as an Architect at IUAV, Venice, in 1992. He then studied at ETSA in Seville, Spain and attended a Masterclass with Rem Koolhaas at BIA in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 1994. He has been registered in the Roll of Architects of Udine (Italy) since 1993. He worked with Studio Valle Architetti Associati in Udine from 1993 to 1998. Since 2009 teaches Architectural Design at the University of Trieste.




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