For the new exhibition at the John Davis Gallery, Isidro Blasco has composed a large caleidoscopic sculpture from the fragments, parts, memories of architectonical spaces that he himself has been living in through time. Natural of Madrid, but based in New York, the artist says:
"I need to connect with the place where I've lived, even if it was not for long. For me it's necessary a period of contemplation, noticing the slot in the wall, the uneven ground, a mark on the corner. It is what gives substance to the work "
Description of the piece by Isidro Blasco
My work recreates the architectural space of the whole or a particular section of the build space according to a subjective perception of this environment.
This non-permanent house-like constructions are made of wood, plywood, metal and sometimes are painted.
Beginning with a room, or part of it, I choose a point within the space to stand and rebuild the room with the perspective deformations that you have only from that point. From there, another room appears, and while it may resemble the original (same number of windows, doors, walls…) it is also quite deformed. Windows are misshapen, walls are skewed, and there may be very few, if any, vertical or horizontal lines. The replicated room feels simultaneously familiar and strange, as it claims an entirely new space.
This installation is based in several images that I have taken from the different homes I live in New York since I arrived from Spain in 1996.
Text.- Isidro Blasco
PRIME by Isidro Blasco
Where.- John Davis Gallery. 362 1/2 Warren Street, Hudson, New York.
Dates.- May 30th - June 21st 2015
When.- Thursday through Monday, 11:00 till 5:00 p.m.