Path to sustainability. Balingen Footbridge by Moxon Architects + Ingenieurbüro Miebach

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Architects.- Moxon Architects.
Engineers.- Ingenieurbüro Miebach.
Superstructure Contractor.- Schaffitzel Holzindustrie.
Foundation Contractor.- Gottlob Brodbeck.
Balingen, Germany.

Ben Addy, Tim Murray, Ezra Groskin. Moxon Architects

Moxon Architects. Founded in 2004, Moxon has attracted major clients in a variety of sectors, from national rail providers to leading cultural institutions. Among them: Transport for London, Hauser & Wirth and the City of Westminster.
Moxon prides itself on a diverse team that allows the practice to provide multi-disciplinary solutions for clients in any category – commercial, residential, product design, or public. The practice is committed to sustainability and beauty throughout each project.  
The practice is split across its two offices in London and in Aberdeenshire.

Ben Addy, Managing Director. BArch DipArch [Dist.] ARB RIBA RIAS.
Tim Murray, Director. BSc [Hons] DipArch ARB RIBA.
Ezra Groskin, Associate. BSc MArch DipArch ARB RIBA.

Ingenieurbüro Miebach. Ingenieurbüro Miebach

Ingenieurbüro Miebach specializes in high quality, sophisticated timber engineering. The experienced team develops, designs and implements unique timber structures. With innovations like timber-concrete composite constructions, hybrid structures of wood and natural stone and defined quality standards Miebach contributes to advancing the field of modern timber bridges and special timber constructions.

Ingenieurbüro Miebach’s main goal is the realisation of nature-oriented structures using modern methods of industrial timber construction. The timber specialist’s robust and durable designs allow a significant reduction in maintenance costs and the use of carbon storing material results in its projects being CO2-neutral.



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