Madrid is a city where, due to its enormous size and cultural diversity, buildings have emerged that stand out for being authentic architectural jewels. Some of the selected buildings generated controversy at the time of their construction, but today they have become emblematic buildings of the city.

1. Torres Blancas

Avenida de América 37, c / v c Corazón de María 2 c / v, c Padre Xifré. Madrid Spain.

Torres Blancas, probably the most iconic building of the architect Saénz de Oíza, is located northeast of the city of Madrid, on Avenida de América. The building reaches 71 meters in height, distributed over 23 floors. Of that total, 21 are dedicated to housing and the last two to "social nucleus." The project was inaugurated in 1969 and represents the great architectural style that is brutalism, which is based on geometric shapes and the use of concrete as the main material in the project.

The project idea around Torres Blancas consisted of building a tower of garden houses with large terraces. In this way, it was intended to make the idea of ​​a high-rise house compatible with the garden house.

Calle Pintor El Greco 4, Madrid, Spain.

In 1961 a competition was called where the participants were proposed as a compulsory subject to project a National Center for Restorations. Fernando Higueras appeared in the contest, in collaboration with a recent graduate who worked in his studio named Rafael Moneo.

In 1965, Higueras and Miró presented a project that maintained the circular structure, although it replaced the staggered constructions with a building with a 40-meter radius, consisting of a basement and four floors, and divided into 30 segments that were doubled when reaching the outer corridor.
The Hydrographic Studies Center is a building designed by Miguel Fisac ​​in 1963, an example of experimentation with exposed concrete, located on the banks of the Manzanares River.

The commission required the design of a new building to house two previously separate agencies, the Center for Hydrographic Studies and the Hydraulic Laboratory. The model shed is the most interesting, wherefrom its famous "bone beams", named by Fisac ​​himself because of their similarity to the bone structures of animals, it manages to save 22 meters of the ship to introduce the necessary indirect natural light to carry out the tests and evacuation of the water from the roof.
One of the most important works by Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza is undoubtedly the current Castellana 81 building, known since its creation by different generations of architects as the Banco Bilbao tower.

With 107 meters high, 37 floors, and just over 36 years (the project was built between 1978 and 1981), the current tower, designed by Fco Javier Sáenz de Oíza, was initially known as the Banco Bilbao tower, passing through BBV and BBVA. Now after its sale and a fairly respectful reform carried out by the Ruíz Barbarín Arquitectos studio, it becomes known as Castellana 81, it is a benchmark of 20th-century architecture in Madrid and Spain.
Located in the Madrid square of Emilio Castelar, the Castelar Building (1986) was designed by the architects Rafael de La-Hoz Arderius and Gerardo Olivares. Today it is owned by Mutua Madrileña and is the home of Pérez-Llorca.

The building presents a series of structural characteristics such as its cable-stayed structure that eliminates the pillars and its double skin of glass helps with climate control. The building connects to the street through a travertine staircase that leads you to the large stone hall, illuminated from above by skylights.
Built-in 1966 by José Antonio Corrales and Ramón Vázquez Molezún, the Huarte house is an icon of modern Spanish architecture.

From the outside it appears as an opaque and almost walled house, however, it offers a completely different experience once we discover the inside. The entire space opens up and communicates both physically and visually thanks to the large windows and movable partitions that separate the different rooms, all of them facing the stepped patios full of vegetation. A retreat of peace and tranquility that seems to transport us to a place far removed from the outside world.
In 1997, in the international competition for the New Terminal Area of ​​Madrid Barajas Airport called by Aena, the proposal was won by the team of the British architecture studio Richard Rogers Partnership and the Spanish Estudio Lamela.

This project was characterized by its simplicity and flexibility, incorporating the four basic principles such as integration into the landscape to orient ourselves inside, natural light inputs reducing consumption, spatial clarity, and flexibility for changing configurations.
The Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Filipinas is a hidden brutalist treasure, the work of the architect Sánchez-Robles Tarín in the late 1960s, clearly influenced by the great masters of modern architecture.

But its uniqueness does not reside in its style, if not in the way in which it solves the various uses it welcomes, differentiating volumes of great formal clarity, which are unified with the use of raw concrete in all elements. The changes in scale depending on the exterior and interior, the treatment of light and the resolution of spaces stand out.
The Museum of the Illustration of the ABC is located between numbers 29-31 of Amaniel street, in a central street of the capital. The building has been rehabilitated by the architects Aranguren & Gallegos.

There are 3,500 square meters of surface area divided into six floors including two exhibition rooms, areas for activities, an archive, restoration workshops, cafeteria ... This museum was created to become a European reference in the field of drawing and illustration.
The Maravillas Gymnasium by the Spanish architect Alejandro de la Sota is a magnificent example of rational Spanish architecture from the second half of the 20th century.

In a very clever way, Alejandro de la Sota integrates a classroom in the metal trusses for each gap between porticoes, taking advantage of a space condemned to disuse, but necessary to save the 20-meter span. Thus, not only does he manage to create an 'inhabited structure', but it also fits the classroom program perfectly by having an amphitheater section in which to place the desks.
The racecourse of the Zarzuela racecourse is one of the best works of Spanish architecture of the first third of the 20th century, and the structure of the stands with the canopies, one of the great achievements of the century worldwide.

In 1934, Arniches, Domínguez and Torroja won the competition for the new Madrid racecourse. After the Civil War, in 1941, the works were completed and the Hippodrome was inaugurated with minimal facilities, which would continue to be improved and expanded. After a phase of abandonment, in 2004 Junquera Arquitectos won the contest for the rehabilitation of this architectonic jewel.
The building of the Museum of the Royal Collections that was designed by the studio of the architects Emilio Tuñón Álvarez and Luis Moreno García-Mansilla is completely built.

It is a 40,000 m² building distributed over a total of 14 floors (7 on the Campo del Moro façade and 14 on the East façade, next to the Cathedral) that house exhibition halls 103 meters long and 16 meters high. wide with heights that vary from 6 to 8 meters, 6 department stores, reception rooms for works of art, public reception areas, offices, as well as spaces for technical rooms and facilities.
The Palacio de Linares is a characteristic example of Madrid's 19th century palatial architecture that began to be built in 1877 as the residence of the Marquises of Linares. The building was built by Carlos Colubí, Adolf Ombrecht and Manuel Aníbal Álvarez.

Its exterior sculptural elements were designed by Jerónimo Suñol, also the author of the great central staircase, combining with great elegance French and Italian decorative elements. In 1976 it was declared a historical-artistic monument, destined for the headquarters of the Casa de América.

Corner square with Calle Alcalá and Calle Sevilla - Monument to the Master Alonso, Madrid, Spain.

The Canalejas Center is a mixed-use complex located in the Plaza de Canalejas in Madrid. The complex has been rehabilitated and renovated by Estudio Lamela, it is made up of 7 historical buildings from different periods, which throughout the 20th century were joined to a single complex.

The intervention in the project has redistributed the program into a mix of uses horizontally, rather than vertically. The integration of the commercial use and hotel program with the Four Seasons characteristics influenced this project decision and ended up being the starting motor for the complex.
Casa Carvajal is a brutalist concrete house, designed by the architect, Javier Carvajal Ferrer, for him and his family in 1966, with such good results and skill that in 1969 it was awarded the Fritz Schumacher Prize.

The house is built around two interior patios that make the flow of the house circulate in an 8-shape, this generates a particular way of life that allows communication through different routes with different approaches and distances. The house is developed on a single floor, built on three platforms that adapt to the terrain.
Parish of Santa Ana y la Esperanza is located in the Moratalaz area of ​​Madrid, what was thought of as a neighborhood church; Small, humble, and sentimental, it has become the perfect summary of Fisac's work between the 1960s and early 1970s.

The set of buildings built in concrete "in situ" and crowned with the same roof sewn with its famous bone beams, is characterized by the relationship between the Church and the rest of the services, seeking to homogenize all the pieces and give unity to the Set.
The construction of the BBVA city, by Herzog & de Meuron, began in 2009 and ended in 2015. The building includes offices of the BBVA bank, as well as gardens and patios, common and commercial services, among others.

It is characterized by its vertical circular tower-like element called La Vela in contrast to its very linear horizontal base. The spaces inside the complex are open, glazed, multidisciplinary, and created for connection and interrelation rather than for division and hierarchy.
The Giner de Los Ríos Foundation, designed by the renowned study Amid.cero9, formed by Cristina Díaz and Efrén García, proposed in 2003 due to the deteriorating conditions of the Foundation's buildings, begins a process for the rehabilitation and expansion from its headquarters.

The proposal of the Amid.cero9 studio fully maintains the historical buildings of the complex and replaces the rest of the buildings with a series of volumes that are related to each other through the garden, the generating space of the entire project.
The Nieto y Sobejano Arquitectos studio, projected in 2009 the remodeling of the Barceló Market after the call of the Madrid City Council. It did not open its doors until 2014 due to the economic crisis.

The remodeling project has generated what could be called a great "social condenser" or programmatic, bringing together a market area, a sports center, and an activity that could be considered the opposite of the previous ones, a library.


Calle del Marqués del Riscal, 7, 28010 Madrid, Spain.

This fronton, located in the Chamberí district, is the only memory of a time when the frontons were the first stable sports facilities in the city of Madrid. These social spaces were considered meeting places, where gambling, bars, and restaurants generated great economic activity.

Built-in the Neomudejar style and sumptuous, after the arrival of other sports, its decline began. After getting rid of the demolition on several occasions, the City Council classifies it as a unique building, urging its processing as an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC). It is currently rehabilitated.

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Fernando Higueras, was born in Madrid on November 26, 1930 (Madrid, 1930-2008). Architect by the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid, finishing in 1959. This year, he gets an honorable mention in the National Architecture Awards for the Children's Theatre. In 1960 he gets again an honorable mention in the National Architecture Awards with the 10 artist residencies in Monte del Pardo.

In 1961 he gets the first prize in the same Awards for the Center for Restoration of Madrid. In 1965 he was commissioned the project along with Antonio Miró. In 1967, he was commissioned the military housing in Madrid. In 1969, Fernando was invited to a Restricted International Competition for 11 architects from around the world for the multipurpose building in Monte Carlo. In 1973, he was commissioned the Las Salinas Hotel in Lanzarote. Fernando Higueras was National Prize of Watercolor and a great guitarist, Andres Segovia gave him the Siena Fellowship in 1954. In 1962 he projected both the Lucio Muñoz House and the Estudio school in Aravaca.

Part of Higuera's work is exhibited at the MoMA in NYC, being the first Spanish architect exhibited in this museum. Fernando Higueras died in Madrid on January 30, 2008.


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Antonio Miró Valverde. (Madrid, 1931 - Madrid, 9 February 2011). He studied architecture in Barcelona and throughout his career frequently collaborated with other architects such as Ricardo Bofill, Emilio Donato, Jaime Verdaguer or Ramon Tort, and develop numerous works alone, especially housing. However, his best known projects are developed from 1963 with Higueras, who died in 2008, with whom he maintained a close and fruitful relationship. So the Ocal Unit Absorption (UVA) of Hortaleza (1963), the Center of Artistic Restorations in University City (1965) and housing for the Board of Military Houses on the street Alberto Aguilera (1967-1975), all in Madrid.
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Miguel Fisac ​​Serna, born in 1913 in Daimiel, Ciudad Real and died in 2006 in Madrid. He was an essential figure in Spanish architecture in the second half of the twentieth century. He enrolled at the School of Architecture in Madrid, and after hectic studies interrupted by the civil war, in 1942 he graduated with the end of his career award from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando.

He was always interested in vernacular architecture. In addition, he was inspired by the Nordic organicism of Gunnar Asplund's work that together with Frank Lloyd Wright will influence his concept of architecture.

His first project was commissioned by the CSIC; He transformed the old auditorium of the "Colina de los Chopos" in Madrid in the Capilla del Espíritu Santo.

Miguel Fisac ​​in his career projected numerous religious works. Its ecclesial production stands out for the personal interpretation of religious aesthetics, the use of light and the spatial dynamism and poetics in its forms, with curved walls, converging and tensioned surfaces.
The Parroquia de Santa Ana in Madrid (1965) is considered one of the most important projects. Built in exposed concrete, it manifests an atmosphere of humble simplicity.

His architectural style evolved in relation to the new materials of the time. From abstract classicism, to brick, to the exclusive use of concrete. Fisac ​​researched a lot about this material and patented his “bone beams”. Prefabricated pieces of prestressed concrete that allowed to obtain large lights and control lighting. In 1960 they were used for the first time, in the construction of the Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos in Madrid.

Later, he experimented with various techniques to give texture to concrete, including in his work a more emotional character. His dissatisfaction with the limits of traditional wooden formwork, led him to patent, in 1973, an innovative solution for the time: the "flexible formwork" that could be implemented in the Mupag Rehabilitation Center (Madrid) and in many others later works.

His activity was not reduced only to the field of construction, but his creative ability led him to write articles, books, and design furniture. He made exhibitions, also of art presenting 60 of his paintings in Madrid.

Miguel Fisac ​​built more than 350 projects, including the emblematic "Pagoda" in Madrid, which unfortunately was demolished in 1999. On the contrary, many of his works are protected and cataloged. Some examples are the Church of Pumarejo de Tera (Zamora), the Church of the Apostolic College of the Dominican Fathers (Valladolid), and in Madrid works such as the Parish Center of Santa María Magdalena (1966) or the IBM Building (1967).

All these activities culminate with the obtaining in 1994 of the Gold Medal of Architecture, and three years after the Antonio Camuñas Prize. In 2002 he received the National Architecture Award. Since 2006, the College of Architects of Ciudad Real manages the Fisac ​​Foundation that is responsible for cataloging all documentation, as well as promoting and safeguarding the work of the Spanish architect, urban planner and painter.

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Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza. (Cáseda, 12 October 1918 - Madrid, 18 July 2000) was a Spanish architect and influential practitioner of the modernist movement in Spain. He studied architecture in Madrid. After a study trip to the United States, in 1949 he returned to Madrid where he started teaching at the School of Architecture, later becoming its director. Among the numerous awards he received in Spain are the National Architecture Award (1954), the Gold Medal for Architecture (1989) and the Prince of Asturias Award (1993). Sáenz is considered to be one of the most influential Spanish architects during the second half of the 20th century. He died of cancer in 2000.

One of his most notable projects was the Torres Blancas high-rise apartment and office building in Madrid. With a height of 71 metres, it was built between 1964 and 1969. The façade consists of cylindrical volumes crowned by round overhanging balconies. Other notable projects include the Arantzazu Basilica in Oñati, the Torre Triana administrative building in Seville, the Spanish embassy in Brussels, the Public University of Navarra in Pamplona, the remodelling of an old palace in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, into the Atlantic Centre of Modern Art, and the Banco de Bilbao Tower in Madrid.
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The architect Rafael de La-Hoz, born in Córdoba (Spain), directs his own architecture studio and participates in urban planning projects and the construction of architectural complexes in Spain, Portugal, France, Poland, Rumania, Hungary, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates, many of which are the fruit of international architecture competitions.

His most emblematic projects include: the Repsol Campus in Méndez Álvaro (recently in receipt of LEED Platinum Certification, awarded to very few buildings in the world); the Rey Juan Carlos Hospital in Móstoles; Distrito C of Telefónica in Las Tablas; the Headquarters of Endesa; the ‘Pórtico’ building (award-winner as one of the best buildings in the world); the Higher Council of Chambers of Commerce; the Rafael del Pino Auditorium –alongside the Paseo de la Castellana- and the Retiro Municipal Assembly building, included in the Daoíz y Verlarde complex of former barracks and an award-winner for its ‘technological innovation’.

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Rafael de La-Hoz Arderius (Madrid, October 9, 1924 - Madrid, June 13, 2000)

He obtained the degree of architect at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid in 1951, and in 1955 completed his studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1971 he created and promoted the realization of the Building Technological Norms. From 1981 to 1985 he presided the International Union of Architects. In 1990 he was elected member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando.

Throughout his professional career he obtained outstanding awards as the National Architecture Prize, in 1956, for the Aquinas College; the VI Antonio Camuñas Architecture Award, in 1995 and, in the year 2000, the Architecture Gold Medal.

Towards the mid-sixties, his Cordoba studio works throughout Andalusia with projects such as the El Águila brewery building, Córdoba, the Torremolinos Congress Palace, the Provincial Hospital of Córdoba, the headquarters of the Medical Association of Seville or the Teresianas school of Córdoba. In the seventies, and already in Madrid, he planned the extension of the Ministry of the Navy and the Castelar Building, at Paseo de la Castellana 50.
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José Antonio Corrales and Ramón Vázquez Molezún worked together since 1952 in numerous projects such as the Spanish Pavilion at the Universal Exhibition in Brussels in 1958. They were one of the most important and fruitful Architecture teams in Spain during the second half of the 20th century thanks to their powerful, rigorous and very expressive architecture. They received 1st Prize for the Spanish Pavilion at the Universal Exhibition in Brussels in 1958, with which they achieved international success, and the Architecture Gold Medal (CSCAE) in 1992, among other many prizes.

Their work was extensive and included projects such as the Public Library for the city of Tehran, Iran's capital, which was never built due to the fall of the Shah Reza Pahlavi in ​​1979. The Spanish Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Brussels in 1958, a proposal based on attached hexagons which was later rebuilt in the grounds of Casa de Campo in Madrid. Another of their main works was the Elviña urbanization in La Coruña. This urbanization was very avant-garde at the time, but is now deteriorated after several actions that have disintegrated some of its tectonic components. The colonization town Llanos del Sotillo in Andujar (Jaen). House in Miraflores de la Sierra and Casa Huarte (Madrid). House for writer Camilo José Cela (Palma de Mallorca). Hotel in Sotogrande (Cadiz).

José Antonio Corrales Gutiérrez was born in Madrid in 1921. At age 27, in 1948, he graduated in Architecture from the School of Architecture of Madrid. That same year he won the National Architecture Prize. In 1961 he became professor at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid. Later on, after some time away from teaching, he went back in 1981 to the School of Architecture of Madrid. He was Academic by the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, and received the Antonio Camuñas Award in 2004. In 2001 he received the National Architecture Award for his life achievements. He died in Madrid in 2010.

Ramón Vázquez Molezún was born in A Coruña in 1922. He graduated as an Architect from the School of Madrid in 1948. Between 1949 and 1952 he studied in Rome with a grant from the Academy of Spain. Over the next two years he received several awards, including the National Architecture Prize in 1954. In 1952 he started a fruitful working relationship with architect José Antonio Corrales, which would last until his death in 1993 in Madrid.

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Richard Rogers. (Florencia, July 23, 1933 - London, December 18, 2021) Since founding the practice in 1977, Richard Rogers has gained international reknown as an architect and urbanist. He is the 2007 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate, recipient of the 1985 RIBA Gold Medal and the 2006 Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement (La Biennale di Venezia). He was knighted in 1991, made a life peer in 1996 and a Member of the Order of the Companions of Honour (CH) in 2008.

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ARANGUREN + GALLEGOS Arquitectos. María José Aranguren Lopez (Madrid 1958) and José González Gallegos (Guadalajara 1958) are architects from the School of Architecture of Madrid since 1983, obtaining M.J. Aranguren number 2 and José González Gallegos number 1 "Honours Thesis" of his promotion.

Both get a PhD by the School of Architecture of Madrid with the qualification of Distinction "Cum Laude" in 1987. They are currently Professor of Architectural Projects at the ETS Arquitectura de Madrid. Both have been teachers and have taught courses, masters, conferences, seminars and classes at universities such as the Yale University of Architecture (USA), Architectural Association of London (United Kingdom), Biennale and Faculty of Architecture of Venice (Italy), Escola da Cidade and Facultade de Architecture of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Central Society of Architects of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Metropolitan Center of Architecture of Mexico City (Mexico), Facultade Lusiada Architectura University of Lisbon (Portugal), Ricardo Palma University of Lima (Peru), Higher Technical School of Bogotá (Colombia), Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Santiago de Chile and Architecture Bienniale (Chile) , and at universities in Spain.

They were appointed by the Government of Spain Directors and Curators of the Spanish Pavilion at the 8th International Architecture Exhibition of the Biennale di Venezia in 2002.

Their professional activity is developed since 1984 and has been recognized both nationally and internationally, being exposed, among others, in the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York (USA), Biennale di Archittetura di Venezia (Italy), Palais of Tokyo in Paris (France), IV Ibero-American Architecture Biennial in Lima (Peru), Yale University (USA), III International Salon of Architecture in Paris (France), Architectural Association School of London (United R.), Tongji University of Shanghai (China) and in different exhibitions in cities such as Rome, London, Paris, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Bogota, Mexico City, Istanbul, Oran, Belo Horizonte, Cartagena, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Seville, ...

Their works have been awarded a number of prizes  as the EUROPAN 1 and 4 Awards in 1988 and 1996 at the European level for New Residential Solutions; National Prize of the Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain in 2005 for the best Residential Solution built; National Fine Arts Award 2009 awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Culture; Award at the IV Biennial of Architecture in 2004; Madrid City Council Awards for the years 2000 and 2005; Community of Madrid Awards for the years 2001 and 2005; National Award ARPA 2010 National Heritage Intervention; Award of the College of Architects of Madrid in 2005; Award ASPRIMA of the Madrid Real Estate Exhibition in 2005...

Their experience in the design and construction of museums has played an important part in his project research. The "ABC Foundation Museum in Madrid", the Spanish Pavilion at the 8th International Exhibition of Architettura di Venezia ", the" Museum of Fine Arts of Cáceres "and the" Spanish Motorcycle Museum in Alcalá de Henares ", as well as the participation in competitions such as the "Visigothic Museum of Art in Mérida", the "Archaeological Museum of Córdoba" and the "National Museum of Visual Arts in Madrid", among others.
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Alejandro de la Sota (Pontevedra, 1913; Madrid 1996) is one of the greatest masters of the Spanish Architecture of the 20th Century. He was a professor at the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM),  serving its trail as a reference for several generations of Spanish architects.

During the thirties, he moved from his home town Pontevedra to Madrid where he started his studies in the Faculty of Mathematics, which was a necessary condition to enter the School of Architecture. Once he got his degree in Architecture in 1941, he spent the first years of his professional life working for the National Institute of Colonization; a stage that ended up with the construction of the village of Esquivel (Sevilla, 1952-1963) and Arvesú House(Madrid, 1953-1955, demolished). Since then, he participated in different competitions, following the same idea as he did in his previous work, the Civil Government of Tarragona (1957-1964). This building has been considered by many people his first masterpiece. During this prolific period, he did several projects of modern industrial architecture, such as the Clesa Dairy Plant (Madrid, 1958-1961) and CENIM premises in the Campus of the University(Madrid, 1963-1965) and he also built his most recognized and admired work, the Gymnasium of Maravillas School (Madrid, 1960-1962); which is considered by the British critic William Curtis, the most significant work of Contemporary Spanish Architecture.

In 1960 he obtained a job as a Government officer at the Post Office, and throughout this decade, he researched the possibilities that new materials provide and developed several projects based on a constructive approach consisting of the use of prefabricated concrete panels for walls and floors. This idea is shown in Varela’s House in Villalba (Madrid, 1964-1968).

In 1971 he left the university education as a professor, coming back to his public service position at the Post Office. During these years he built César Carlos Residence Hall on the Campus of the University (Madrid, 1968-1971), the building for class and lecture rooms of the University of Sevilla (1972-1973) and Guzmán’s House in Santo Domingo‘s urbanization (Madrid, 1972-1974), in which he tried out issues to be applied afterwards in Domínguez’s House in A Caeira (Pontevedra, 1973-1978).  The Computer Center for the PO Box in La Vaguada (Madrid, 1972-1977) and years later, the Post and Telecommunications Building in León (1981-1984) belong to a stage where he was completely involved in light prefabricated techniques.

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Jerónimo Junquera graduated in Technical University of Madrid in 1969 and has developed his professional activity in different fields of architecture and urban design. He founded the studio JUNQUERA architects in 1973 and has been associated with Estanislao Pérez Pita from 1973 to 1998 and Liliana Obal from 2002 to 2006. The JUNQUERA Arquitectos practice has developed,  over more than 30 years since its founding in 1973, projects in different fields of architecture.

In teaching, he has been Professor of Studio class at Technical University of Madrid and other centers as guest lecturer: UIMP, Camuñas Foundation and CEES, besides numerous conferences and seminars. He has been Director of the magazine BODEN between 1974-1976, Director of Architecture Magazine COAM between the years 1977-1980, Founder and Director of the AXA Gallery in the years 1980-1981 and has written numerous articles in journals and newspapers, complementing his work. He is Chairman of the Board of the "Foundation Study" and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the College Study.

He has won awards in prestigious national and international competitions and his work has been published in journals of national and international architecture and exposed repeatedly, both nationally and internationally. His work has been honored with numerous awards, he has been present in virtually all editions of the Biennial of Spanish Architecture and Architecture Exhibition at national and international level. He has won the Prize for Urban Planning and Public Architecture of the City of Madrid in 1985, 1987, 1993, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2006, the COAM Prize of the College of Architects of Madrid in 1995 and 2003, Quality, Architecture and Housing Award of the Community of Madrid 2004, the National Prize of Sport Architecture (Center for High Performance Granada) in 1998, the National Award for Rehabilitation of the COE (National Library) in 1995 and The National Award for Housing Quality of the  Ministry of Housing in 2007.
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In 1992 Emilio Tuñón Álvarez (1958) and Luis M. Mansilla (1959) founded the firm MANSILLA + TUÑÓN ARQUITECTOS, awarded with the MIES VAN DER ROHE PRIZE 2007 (Prize for Contemporary Architecture of the European Union), National Prize for Spanish Architecture 2003, FAD Prize 2001.

Emilio Tuñón and Luis M. Mansilla are titular professors of the Department of Architectural Projects in Madrid. They have been professors in a number of universities, among which are the Graduate School of Design in Harvard, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, the New School of Architecture in Puerto Rico and the Städelschule in Frankfurt. They are currently giving clases in the School of Architecture of Princeton University.

In 1993 they founded the cooperative of thought CIRCO, coming out with a publication under the same title, and which has been awarded with the FAD Special Prize 2007, the prize for the III Iberoamerican Bienal for Architecture and Engineering 2002 and the C.O.A.M. Prize 2005.

Mansilla + Tuñón were awarded the following commissions: Institucional Building for the City of the Environment in Soria (2008), Madrid Internacional Convention Center (2007), Helga de Alvear Foundation Art Center in Cáceres (2005), Lalín Town Hall (2004), Master Plan of the area of Valbuena in Logroño (2003), Library on Artists Street in Madrid (2003), Cantabria Museum (2002). Royal Collections Museum (2002), Sanfermines Museum (200l), Brescia Contemporary Cultural Center of (2000), Castellón Fine Arts Museum (1998), City of León Auditorium (1996), Cultural Center of Madrid in the old El Águila warehouse (1995).

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Francisco Javier Carvajal Ferrer (January 3, 1926, Barcelona - June 14, 2013, Madrid). He obtained the title of architect in 1953 from the Madrid School of Architecture, being the Extraordinary End of Degree Award; that same year he was Deputy Curator of Architecture and General Deputy Curator of Education at the II Bienal de Arte de Sao-Paulo, Brazil. In 1955 he was a pensioner from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome where he lived until 1957, the year in which he won the Academy Award of Rome and received the title of Master Academic Honoris Causa from the Academia Mondiale Degli Artisti e Profesionisti di Roma.

In 1959, in collaboration with Javier García de Castro, the Barcelona School of High Mercantile Studies (today the School of Industrial Engineers) won the competition, inaugurated in 1961. This work, next to the residential building in the Plaza de Cristo Rey in Madrid (1954-58), will be one of his best known early works, in them characteristic features of his work are seen, with some invariants that will remain throughout his career.

In 1963 he was awarded first prize in the competition for the Spanish pavilion at the New York World's Fair. Completed in 1964, it was an Award from the Rockefeller Foundation, obtained great international recognition and the Institute of American Architects awarded it a certificate of excellence for the project. From this work he began his work with prefabricated elements on the façade. In 1968, the Technical University of Hannover awarded him the “Fritz Schumacher” prize for the best architectural work built in Europe, for the houses he designed and built in Somosaguas. During the 1960s he was responsible for creating the new aesthetics of Loewe stores.

Also noteworthy are works such as the apartments on Calle Montesquinza, from 1966. In 1968, he built a residential and office building in León, a test of what would later become the Torre de Valencia (1968-1973), the Library of the Faculty of Law de Madrid (1971). In 1972 he created the Madrid Zoo-Aquarium, which has sculptures by José Luis Sánchez and Josep María Subirachy, in 1974, the House of Sweden, in Chile (1976), shortly before the Adriatic in the Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid, the Banco Industrial de León building on Calle Serrano. From his last stage remember the houses of Pozuelo and de la Moraleja, the Embassy of Spain in Warsaw, the palaces of Tabuk and Gassim (1982-1984) in Saudi Arabia, a hotel for the Universal Exposition of Seville in 1992, and finally its last work: the General Library of the University of Navarra (1998).

His teaching work began in 1954 as an assistant professor at the Madrid School of Architecture. In 1960, after his stay in Rome, he was appointed professor in charge of the chair; two years later, in 1962, he obtained a doctorate. And in 1965 he won the chair, becoming the first professor at the Madrid School to achieve it by building modern architecture; in 1967 he was appointed Deputy Director of the School, in 1968 extraordinary professor at the Menéndez Pelayo International University of Santander and in 1971 ordinary professor of Urban Planning courses at the Institute of Local Administration of Madrid. In 1972 he was appointed Director of the School of Barcelona, ​​being the following year founder of the second Higher Technical School of Architecture at the University of Vallés in this city. In 1974 he became Director of the ETSA of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and in 1976 Professor of Projects at the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, of which he was also since 1982 extraordinary professor of History of Architecture. In 1997 he was appointed Professor Emeritus of the Madrid School of Architecture.

This teaching work also made her compatible with various positions; thus, in 1971 he would be appointed Dean of the Madrid College of Architects and re-elected in 1973, the year in which he was also appointed Delegate Commissioner of the Ministry of Education and Science, for the Reform of Architecture Education in Spain. In 1964 he became a member of the Editorial Board of the magazine Arquitectura, of the College of Architects of Madrid. In 1965 he was appointed Commissioner of Spain at the IV International Art Biennale in Paris and in 1966 representative of the Official College of Architects of Madrid on the Board of Trustees of the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Secretary of the Teaching Commission of the Council Superior of the Colleges of Architects of Spain. In 1971 he acted as Consultant Architect for the implementation of the Architecture Degree in Costa Rica, in 1972 he was appointed by the Ministry of Education and Science as Delegate Commissioner for the reform of Architecture education and the following year General Director of Tourism Planning. In 1994 he was Director of the Cultural Foundation of COAM.

They also stand out as the apartments on calle Montesquinza, from 1966. In 1968, he built a residential and office building in León, a test of what would later become the Torre de Valencia, and in 1974, shortly before the Adriatica on the Paseo de la Castellana de Madrid, the building of the Banco Industrial de León on Serrano Street. From his last stage remember the houses of Pozuelo and de la Moraleja, the Embassy of Spain in Warsaw, a hotel for the Universal Exhibition of Seville in 1992, and finally his last work: the General Library of the University of Navarra.
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Herzog & de Meuron Architekten is a Swiss architecture firm, founded and headquartered in Basel, Switzerland in 1978. The careers of founders and senior partners Jacques Herzog (born 1950), and Pierre de Meuron (born 1950), closely paralleled one another, with both attending the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich. They are perhaps best known for their conversion of the giant Bankside Power Station in London to the new home of the Tate Museum of Modern Art (2000). Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron have been visiting professors at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design since 1994 (and in 1989) and professors at ETH Zürich since 1999. They are co-founders of the ETH Studio Basel – Contemporary City Institute, which started a research programme on processes of transformation in the urban domain.

Herzog & de Meuron is a partnership led by five Senior Partners – Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Christine Binswanger, Ascan Mergenthaler and Stefan Marbach. An international team of 38 Associates and about 362 collaborators.

Herzog & de Meuron received international attention very early in their career with the Blue House in Oberwil, Switzerland (1980); the Stone House in Tavole, Italy (1988); and the Apartment Building along a Party Wall in Basel (1988).  The firm’s breakthrough project was the Ricola Storage Building in Laufen, Switzerland (1987).  Renown in the United States came with Dominus Winery in Yountville, California (1998). The Goetz Collection, a Gallery for a Private Collection of Modern Art in Munich (1992), stands at the beginning of a series of internationally acclaimed museum buildings such as the Küppersmühle Museum for the Grothe Collection in Duisburg, Germany (1999). Their most recognized buildings include Prada Aoyama in Tokyo, Japan (2003); Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany (2005); the new Cottbus Library for the BTU Cottbus, Germany (2005); the National Stadium Beijing, the Main Stadium for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China; VitraHaus, a building to present Vitra’s “Home Collection“, Weil am Rhein, Germany (2010); and 1111 Lincoln Road, a multi-storey mixed-use structure for parking, retail, a restaurant and a private residence in Miami Beach, Florida, USA (2010), the Actelion Business Center in Allschwil/Basel, Switzerland (2010). In recent years, Herzog & de Meuron have also completed projects such as the New Hall for Messe Basel Switzerland (2013), the Ricola Kräuterzentrum in Laufen (2014), which is the seventh building in a series of collaborations with Ricola, with whom Herzog & de Meuron began to work in the 1980s; and the Naturbad Riehen (2014), a public natural swimming pool. In April 2014, the practice completed its first project in Brazil: the Arena do Morro in the neighbourhood of Mãe Luiza, Natal, is the pioneering project within the wider urban proposal “A Vision for Mãe Luiza”.

Herzog & de Meuron have completed 6 projects since the beginning of 2015: a new mountain station including a restaurant on top of the Chäserrugg (2262 metres above sea level) in Toggenburg, Switzerland; Helsinki Dreispitz, a residential development and archive in Münchenstein/Basel, Switzerland; Asklepios 8 – an office building on the Novartis Campus in Basel, Switzerland; the Slow Food Pavilion for Expo 2015 in Milan, Italy; the new Bordeaux stadium, a 42’000 seat multifunctional stadium for Bordeaux, France; Miu Miu Aoyama, a 720 m² boutique for the Prada-owned brand located on Miyuki Street, across the road from Prada Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan.

In many projects the architects have worked together with artists, an eminent example of that practice being the collaboration with Rémy Zaugg, Thomas Ruff and with Michael Craig-Martin.

Professionally, the Herzog & de Meuron partnership has grown to become an office with over 120 people worldwide. In addition to their headquarters in Basel, they have offices in London, Munich and San Francisco. Herzog has explained, “We work in teams, but the teams are not permanent. We rearrange them as new projects begin. All of the work results from discussions between Pierre and me, as well as our other partners, Harry Gugger and Christine Binswanger. The work by various teams may involve many different talents to achieve the best results which is a final product called architecture by Herzog & de Meuron.”

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Fuensanta Nieto (Madrid 1957) and Enrique Sobejano (Madrid 1957), are graduated architects by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) and Master of Science in Building Design por la Graduate School of Architecture and Planning (GSAPP), Columbia University, New York (USA). Are partners of the office Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, with headquarters in Madrid and Berlín.

Enrique Sobejano is Design Professor at the Universität der Künste Berlin (Germany) and Fuensanta Nieto Fuensanta is an Design Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. Both have been guest professors and lecturers at various universities and institutions within and outside Spain. From 1986 to 1991 was Director of ARQUITECTURA magazine, of Official College of Architects of Madrid.

Sobejano Nieto's work has been published in numerous magazines and books in Spanish and international, such as Casabella, METALOCUS, The Sketch, Architectural Review, Domus, Architectural Record, Detail, A + U, etc, and has been exhibited, among other places, Venice Biennale (2000, 2002, 2006) and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York (2006). They have received the National Award for Restoration of the Ministry of Culture (2008), the Nike Prize BDA (Bund Deutscher Architekten) (2010) and the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (2010).

Among his recent works include Madinat al Zahra Museum (Córdoba), Moritzburg (Germany), Colegio de San Gregorio (Valladolid) and the Conference Centres of Mérida and Zaragoza.



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Estudio Lamela is a Spanish architecture company founded by Antonio Lamela and currently led by his son Carlos Lamela. Besides its headquarters in Madrid, the firm has offices in Poland, Mexico and Doha. With almost 60 years of experience since its foundation in 1954, the company has developed more than 1.600 projects in 32 countries.

In the early 60s the company started to work in the then emerging tourist architecture, in particular in the south of Spain and the Balearic islands. During these years, the company also developed the famous Colon Towers, a complex composed of two towers strung with a novel technique in the emblematic Plaza de Colón in Madrid.

In the 80s and 90s, the studio diversified its work, becoming one of the most active firms of Spain. In 1984, Carlos Lamela joined the company. This period included the refurbishment of the Santiago Bernabeu football Stadium for Real Madrid, and from then on the company began to specialize in sport projects. During the 90s, the firm was awarded with the important project of the New Terminal 4 at Madrid-Barajas Airport, in collaboration with Richard Rogers Partnership, Initec and TPS. Another important project was the ‘Ciudad de las Comunicaciones’ headquarters of Telefonica.
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Published on: April 15, 2022
Cite: "Madrid, Best Architecture Guide. 20 emblematic buildings of the city of Madrid (I)" METALOCUS. Accessed
<> ISSN 1139-6415
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