The exhibition, «Transatlantic Literary Avant-gardes of the 20th Century. From Azul to Noigandres and Beyond» brings together more than 500 publications including books, magazines, notebooks and letters. It will be open to the public at Casa de América until November 14.

The exhibition, which presents part of the funds from the López Triquell bibliographic collection, presents a tour of the avant-garde movements in Spain and Latin America, establishing relationships with the social and political changes of the different periods of the first half of the 20th century.

Pieces such as a recently found handwritten letter from García Lorca are on display.

The exhibition offers a selection of Latin American and Spanish avant-garde poetry and art publications selected from the López Triquell bibliographic collection, which has been built up since the 1990s.

The exhibition presents nearly 500 publications ranging from books, magazines, and manifestos to other printed materials, accompanied by some manuscripts, letters, notebooks, photographs and works of art. Among them is a simple unpublished letter that Federico García Lorca wrote, during his stay in Argentina, to Delia Morcillo Capdevilla, wife of Arturo Capdevila (well-known Argentine poet, playwright, lawyer and historian).

Vanguardias literarias transatlánticas del siglo XX. De Azul a Noigandres y más allá.
Exhibition hall image. Transatlantic Literary Avant-gardes of the 20th Century. Photograph courtesy of Casa América.

This exhibition aims to take a trip back in time (1900/1970) and although the vast geographical area covered has meant that the exhibition has been divided by country for a better understanding by the public, the exhibition aims to reflect the similarities between countries, helping to create a collective memory of Latin America beyond linguistic unity.

In the section dedicated to Spain, books, manifestos and magazines featuring Ultraism and the Generation of 27 can be seen. In Argentina, the Criollismo movement and two rival groups stand out: the Grupo de Florida and the Grupo de Boedo. The first edition of two little-known poetry collections by Julio Cortazar and «Prisma» by Borges can also be seen. At the opening of the exhibition, Juan Manuel Bonet, art and literature critic and curator of the exhibition, explained that the magazine «Prisma» is one of the jewels of this exhibition: «The first testimony of how Borges imports to Buenos Aires the Ultraism learned in Madrid, Mallorca and Seville».

Vanguardias literarias transatlánticas del siglo XX. De Azul a Noigandres y más allá.
Exhibition hall image. Transatlantic Literary Avant-gardes of the 20th Century. Photograph courtesy of Casa América.

In the Uruguay series, the importance of women as creators of a new, innovative aesthetic stands out (Ida Vitale, Idea Vilariño and Cristina Peri Rosi). In Chile, Vicente Huidobro stands out, with more than fifteen of his publications on display, as he is undoubtedly the paradigm of the avant-garde writer and polemicist of the 20th century, an explorer of new aesthetic paths and a beacon for other authors. Peru will be widely represented by the work of César Vallejo, as well as by indigenous books with a great political commitment. 

Colombia offers another of the great bibliographic rarities of the exhibition: "Suenan Timbres", by Luis Vidales. In the Central American region, the fundamental figure of Rubén Darío stands out, with his collection of poems ‘Azul’, a masterpiece of symbolism in the Spanish language. Another of the most prolific and interesting countries is Mexico, whose representation begins with the extremely rare book by José Juan Tablada, "Li-Po", of great importance for being the first book of calligrams in all of Latin America. From ‘Li-Po’ come the little bird feet that run along some of the walls of the exhibition as a game.

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Vanguardias literarias transatlánticas del siglo XX. De Azul a Noigandres y más allá.
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Juan Manuel Bonet and José Ignacio Abeijón.

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From September 19 to November 14, 2024.

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Casa de América. Guayasamín and Torres García rooms. Access via C/ Marqués del Duero, 2. Madrid, Spain.

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Juan Manuel Bonet. (Paris, 1953) is a writer and a critic of art and literature and has been curator of exhibitions. Director of the Instituto Cervantes since January 27, 2017, he has directed the Instituto Cervantes in Paris between 2012 and 2017 and has previously been director of the IVAM (Valencian Institute of Modern Art) and the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía (Madrid). President of the Rafael Cansinos Assens Archive Foundation and the Vicente Huidobro Foundation International Committee.

Author of several books of poems recently grouped in Via Labirinto; Of the diary The round of the days; Of the reference work Dictionary of the avant-gardes in Spain (1907-1936), completed by Avant-garde Printed in Spain (1912-1936); Of a book about Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Ramón in his Tower; Of critical editions of, among others, Max Aub, Salvador Dalí, José María Eguren and Rafael Lasso de la Vega; And of monographs on, among others, Juan Gris, Ramón Gaya, Gerardo Rueda, Martín Chirino, Pelayo Ortega and Miguel Galano.

Curator of exhibitions, between them ‘1980’, ‘Madrid D.F.’, ‘Imprenta y poesía’, ‘Pintura contemporánea española’, ‘Espagne Arte abstracto 1950-1965’, ‘El surrealismo entre Viejo y Nuevo Mundo’, ‘El objeto surrealista en España’, ‘Ciudad de ceniza: El surrealismo en la posguerra española’, ‘Los años pintados’, ‘Muelle de Levante’, ‘El poeta como artista’, ‘El ultraísmo y las artes plásticas’, ‘De Picasso a Dalí: Las raíces de la vanguardia española’, ‘Literatura argentina de vanguardia’, ‘España años 50’, ‘El colegio Estudio: Una aventura pedagógica en la España de la posguerra’, ‘El efecto iceberg: Colección Museo ABC’, ‘Un mundo construido: Polonia 1918-1939’ and ‘Una mirada española: Manolo Escobar coleccionista’.

Curator of retrospectives de, between them, Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo, Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, Giorgio Morandi, Tarsila do Amaral, Henri Michaux, Henryk Stazewski, Francisco Bores, Juan Manuel Díaz-Caneja, Ramón Gaya, Eugenio Fernández Granell, Esteban Vicente, José Guerrero, Manolo Millares, Lucio Muñoz, Manuel H. Mompó, Julio López Hernández, Alex Katz or Dis Berlin.

To add he has been curator of other expositions about photographers (José Manuel Ballester, Javier Campano, Francesc Catalá Roca, Jesse Fernández, Bernard Plossu, Leopoldo Pomés, Josef Sudek), writters (Rafael Alberti, Max Aub, Julio Cortázar, Alfredo Gangotena, Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Tadeusz Peiper, Francisco Vighi), politicians (Juan Negrín) and composers (Morton Feldman, Ricardo Viñes).

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