COMPLEMENTARY CRITICISM. Fredy Massad - Verónica Rosero

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Fredy Massad

Fredy Massad (Buenos Aires, 1966) is architect from the University of Buenos Aires. Professor of the subject 'Theory and Criticism of Architecture' in ESARQ-UIC (Barcelona) and guest professor of the TSLS Ledesma Chair (FADU-UBA). Collaborator and regular lecturer of international specialized media. He currently lives in Barcelona, where he collaborates with the Spanish newspaper ABC  on architecture issues. As a newspaper columnist and responsible for the architecture blog of the same, published the compilation of his texts in, La viga en el ojo. Escritos a tiempo / The beam in the eye. Writings on time (Ediciones Asimétricas, Madrid, 2015), later he published, Crítica de choque (Bisman Editions, 2017), being awarded in November 2018 with the SCA - CPAU Prize.

Verónica Rosero

Verónica Rosero. (Quito - 1981) PhD in Architecture (Universidad de Alcalá, 2015) with the thesis "Demolition: the black hole of modernity", published by Editorial Diseño. Master in Architecture and City Projects (2009). International Doctorate Mention for research stays at the Delft University of Technology. Architect (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2006). She is currently an associate professor of Architectural Design and Final Degree Projects at the Universidad Central del Ecuador and Architectural Criticism at the Universidad de las Américas. External professor of the PhD in Architecture at the University of Alcalá. Central University Award 2019, indexed publications category, and BAQ XXIII Pan-American Award, printed books category. She has published in specialized magazines and given talks in Ecuador, Spain, France, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Mexico. Co-founder of I+D+A Architecture Studio with Néstor Llorca.




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