To sweeten our inaction with a vademecum of recipes with layers to which the anthroposphere or now the technosphere are added, to adorn the acquiescent inaction of our societies, or to justify the inevitable as the process of an alleged human stupidity or lack of intelligence of others, seems truly unbearable to me.
Since the Rio Declaration of 1992, the UN meetings, the investigations of international organizations and study centers pointing out the inevitable consequences of our inaction in the face of climate change seem to have been of no use in the face of the assumption of an inexorable determinism, fostered by the toxic disinformation used by deniers and spurious interests.
It is surprising that the misinformation of those who should be well informed makes them ignore that we have plenty of legal and administrative tools to reduce the impact of the brutal action of nature and that the solution is not to “terraform” and continue savagely anthropogenically destroying our planet.
Faced with transformative brutality as the only solution, and despite everything surely necessary to be able to heal this savage transformative process in which we are immersed, faced with the irrationality of deploying more testosterone muscle, it would be advisable to review the advice, warnings and studies of the hydrographic confederations, which are not heeded, which are not appreciated, which are simply ignored.
We cannot continue to ignore the construction processes that seek to consolidate themselves as unequivocal processes of urbanization, to justify our developmentalism or current model of consumption. Rapid actions are needed to respond with extreme attention to climate change but also a deep look at our technicians and organizations, at the traits of intelligence that still remain in our humanity.