

Fredy Massad (Buenos Aires, 1966) is architect from the University of Buenos Aires. Professor of the subject 'Theory and Criticism of Architecture' in ESARQ-UIC (Barcelona) and guest professor of the TSLS Ledesma Chair (FADU-UBA). Collaborator and regular lecturer of international specialized media. He currently lives in Barcelona, where he collaborates with the Spanish newspaper ABC  on architecture issues. As a newspaper columnist and responsible for the architecture blog of the same, published the compilation of his texts in, La viga en el ojo. Escritos a tiempo / The beam in the eye. Writings on time (Ediciones Asimétricas, Madrid, 2015), later he published, Crítica de choque (Bisman Editions, 2017), being awarded in November 2018 with the SCA - CPAU Prize.
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  • Name
    Fredy Massad