Banking and Commercial School, EBC Mérida Campus by IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos

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IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos in collaboration with Co-Lateral & Rodrigo Valenzuela Jerez.
Camilo Moreno (Co-Lateral) and Rodrigo Valenzuela Jerez.
Structure.- Estudios y Supervisión del Sureste.
Engineering.-AKF Group.  
Landscaping.- Genfor Landscaping.
Interior design.- Taller Leticia Serrano. Leticia Serrano, Andrea Guereca.
EBC Banking and Comercial School.
Total area.- 6,698 sqm.
Constructed area.-6,700 sqm.
Start of design - June, 2018.
Start of construction - March, 2019.
End of construction - June, 2021.
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.

Ignacio Urquiza Seoane. Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos

The Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos studio is made up of a team of architects and designers; They develop projects of different scales and typologies based on research, experimentation, and critical analysis. They employ three main elements in their design process: drawing, image, and text.

As architects, they prioritize drawing by hand. They transmit ideas, proposals, and solutions through drawings, which when interpreted by different people can materialize in architectural works. Their interest in drawing is dedicated and meticulous: with it, they seek to express the spatial relationships that they explore with each project and their relationship with the user.

Images are fundamental tools throughout their design process, they use the image as a reference and inspiration, as a means of exploring what they have investigated, and as a record of the development of their ideas and intentions.

Words are the archive of knowledge and the foundation of our ideas. The use of these elements shows his way of understanding and doing architecture.

Ignacio Urquiza Seoane studied photography in Paris, France (2002), studied Architecture and Urbanism with Honorable Mention at the Ibero-American University of Mexico City (2007), and is a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University, USA (2014). In 2008 he co-founded the Center for Architectural Collaboration, where he served as Design Director until 2018.

As of 2019, he founded and directs Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos, an architecture studio based in Mexico City.

Ignacio has developed and coordinated architectural and urban projects throughout the Mexican Republic collaborating with a large number of architects. His work has been published in different national and international print and digital media and has received various awards in the architectural field, among them the Luis Barragán Award for the Project "Young Architect Career" by the College of Architects in 2017 and the Emerging Voices 2019 award. , awarded by the «Architectural League of New York».



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