Directed by Vincent Rouffiac and produced by Touché Videoproduktion in collaboration with IRCAM, Les Gens Du Son and Studio Davout, this video experiences with the acoustic differences, without added artificial effects, in 15 different scenarios through the interpretation a capella of the same song, performed by Joachim Müllner, guitar and singer of In The Canopy.
Saturday music video. (Official Music Video). METALOCUS MUSIC PROJECT.
Previously, in 2014, Vincent Rouffiac was the director of the video entitled 'The Wikidrummer' for the first single of this French group, "1, 2, 3, 4 Hands", in which drummer Julien Audigier played a solo piece in different spaces, indoor and outdoor, showing the great acoustic variety that produces the same musical instrument.
Director.- Vincent Rouffiac.
Production.- TOUCHÉ Videoproduktion.
Composition. Writing. Performance.- Joachim Müllner.
Collaboration.- IRCAM, Les Gens Du Son, Studio Davout.
Image.- Vincent Rouffiac, Gérald Massoubre.
Sound recording.- Jean-Philippe Gréau, Matthieu Lechartier.
Choreography.- Georgia Ives.