Rafael Canogar, a painter with the look of an architect, exhibition at the Carmen Thyssen Málaga Museum

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September 19, 2023 to December 10, 2023.
Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga. Plaza Carmen Thyssen, Calle Compañía, 29008 Málaga, Spain.

Rafael Canogar

Rafael Garcia Cano, (Toledo, 1935), studied with the painter Daniel Vázquez Díaz, between 1949 and 1954. He was a founding member of the group El Paso, and abstract influence, which was linked between 1957 and 1960.

From 1976 he returned to abstraction from a new perspective. Through his work, invents and reinvents an aesthetic language that leads to a rupture and a new conception of time and space. The matter becomes a metaphor, music, and a meeting point between the old and the modern. Canogar cares about expressing through painting, his idea of space; his works are endless areas showing even an artist who does not need aesthetic features or historical boundaries to transform.



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