The origin of water in Madrid. The Descents by C+ arquitectas

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Acciones Extra←Ordinarias.- C+ Arquitectas, Paula Valero y Estelle Jullian with the collaboration of Leonor Martín.
Design and construction
C+ Arquitectas (NereaCalvillo, Marina Fernández) with the collaboration of Vendedores de Humo.
Carpinteros sin Fronteras. Creática ONG. AnWei Lu Li. Brumizone. Pinturas Tek-Lacke. Sergio Galán. Neighbours. El Enredadero. Dimas García. Grupo de Historia Urbana.
Asesoría Estructuras QL Ingeniería. IAS Research Impact Development Awards of University of Warwick (UK). Impact Grant ESRC IAA University of Warwick (UK) with the Economic & Social Research Council (UK) Grant (ES/M500434/1).

C+ arquitectos NEREA CALVILLO

Nerea Calvillo founded C+arquitectos in 2004, after working in several internationally acclaimed architectural firms such as NO.MAD, Madrid, and F.O.A., London.

Specialised in new technologies as design tools, C+ has designed architecture projects, contemporary art exhibitions at Laboral (Gijon, Spain), Museo de arte Contemporáneo de Santiago de Chile, (Santiago de Chile, Chile), Sala de Tabacalera del Ministerio de Cultura (Madrid, Spain) or the Cervantes Institute (Spain, Serbia, etc). EUROPAN and other social housing competitions have been awarded, and the office was selected for FreshMadrid, a selection of emergent practices in 2007.

C+ research projects oriented towards data visualization and cartographies have been developed in workshops at international universities and medialabs, which include Invisible Cartographies in PEI, Bogotá (Colombia), and In The Air, in Medialab-Prado, (Spain), Kitchen Budapest (Hungary) and Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago de Chile (Chile) and exhibited at international venues, such as the Canadian Centre of Architecture (Canada).

Another area of production are curatorial projects related to media facades or collaborative research. Nerea curated the seminar Digital Screens and Public Space in Medialab-Prado in Madrid, the Media Facades Festival 2010 in Madrid. Since 2010 is part of the working group of El Ranchito at Matadero-Madrid .

Nerea Calvillo received the MS in Advanced Architecture Design from Columbia University in 2001 as a Fulbright Fellow, working at the moment on her PhD. Since 2006 holds an assistant professorship at the Universidad Europea in Madrid and since 2010 at the Universidad de Alicante and is currently a Poiesis Fellow at the New York University (New York).





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