The proposal by Óscar Cruz and Pablo Paradinas was the winner in the ideas contest of the third edition of TAC! Urban Architecture Festival promoted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda (MIVAU) and the Arquia Foundation, TAC! counting on the collaboration of the City Council of Vigo.
"En Galicia hai o Mar de dentro e o Mar de fóra". The first translates into the peaceful calm that comes with arriving home; The second, unlimited in extension and dangerous in condition, but of great beauty, is the place from which everyone wishes to return.

¡Qué faena(r)! / What a job(r)!, TAC Festival winning project! 2024 for Vigo, by Óscar Cruz García and Pablo Paradinas Sastre. Photograph by Franzisco González.

The project presents an intelligent reference to the typical punts that are anchored in the Vigo estuary; traditional wooden platforms that are installed in the sea for fishing, and an element closely linked to the territory and its local economy. The proposal unites tradition and innovation through the involvement of local producers and artisans in the process: the carpentry team of Fran Millán and Frouma Atlantic Wood has built the structure of the pavilion, with wood from the rafts themselves, accompanied by a cover made with fishing nets whose idea was developed by the Galician designer Amalia Puga supported by the invaluable hands of the women of the Redeiras "Atalaia" association of A Guarda.

TAC! shows us a timely reflection on the resilience and regeneration of urban centres. A reflection that will continue with the construction of the temporary pavilion La Sal, in the city of San Fernando.
The festival is thus consolidated after its third edition and, until September 10, keeps the call open for the selection of host cities for 2025.