Marisa Gonzalez at the Central Pavilion of the Biennale

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Marisa González

Photographer and multimedia artist, Marisa González is one of the Spanish pioneers in the application of new technologies of reproduction and communication in the artistic creation. A graduate in Fine Arts from the University of Madrid, 1971, Master in the Art Institute of Chicago in the Generative Systems Department, 1973 and graduated in B.F.A. at the Corcoran School of Art, Washington, in 1976. His career is marked by the systematic relationship with the continuous change of Technology in the contemporary society: from his early work with photocopiers in the early 1970s then with faxes, and then with computers and video.

In the last decade, his most recognized works have focused on the city, its changes and metamorphosis, including projects of industrial architecture, which made the itinerant exhibition "La Fábrica", at the Fundación Telefónica in Madrid and in the Sala Rekalde of Bilbao, and the project "Lemoniz Nuclear", in the Centre of Contemporary Art of Burgos (CAB), among others.  Marisa Gonzalez's projects and installations have been exhibited in major national and international exhibitions.




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