Looking for references in the industrial architecture. Arch House by FRARI

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FRARI. Lead Architect.- Maria João Fradinho.
Year of construction.- 2018
300 m²

Maria Fradinho. Frari - architecture network

Frari – architecture network is an architecture practice located in Aveiro, Portugal. Founded by Maria Fradinho in 2010, Frari operates within the fields of architecture, urbanism and interior design. The atelier counts on the regular collaboration of external service providers, in diverse areas such as engineering, topography, construction, landscaping, interior design, architectural photography and legal support, promoting knowledge of each multidisciplinary area of construction and so, contributing to the appreciation of architecture as an exclusive product.

Maria Fradinho, creates FRARI in 2011, after working in Oporto and Amsterdam, with different kinds of architectural approaches. Achieves graduation in architecture in Oporto, where she dedicated her studies to the relationship between a building with its land. Her projects can be found in publications such as websites, magazines and newspapers. She is passionate about nature and is always interested in conjugating architecture with its landscape, in the most harmonious way possible.

With digital and printed publications on all continents, Frari is recognized for the excellence of its architectural proposals. The projection obtained in recent years has resulted in the attribution of architecture awards, having been elected “The Best Architecture office in the northwest of Portugal”, by “BUILD Architecture Awards 2019”, and achieved the “Silver” award for the Arch House project and “Gold” award for the J House project, both for the “Prémios Lusófonos de Arquitectura e Design de Interiores”, in 2020 and 2021 respectively.



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