A network of hygiene points known as ‘Simbi Hubs’ is planned, providing localized sanitation processes. Each Simbi Hub includes areas for lavatories, bathing, and laundry, as well as facilities for food storage and preparation. Water and sewage are treated on site and the hubs address issues relating to storm drainage and earthquake safety. All the elements required to build the new infrastructure are designed to be made locally, using established craft skills.
Hub distribution strategy
Hub distribution strategy.
- The rural to urban distribution strategy allows for water movement between hubs and promotes reforestation and self sufficiency.
- The rural hub is the focal point to agricultural villages – where the government plan to relocate some of the redundant population. Planting and reforestation is supported through use of grey water for irrigation.
- The larger suburban hubs provide water and sanitation clean zones in the dense periphery around the downtown district – this was the most dense and damaged area.
- Urban hubs are located throughout downtown Port-au-Prince – enhancing their surroundings, providing water and sanitation services and acting as public spaces in the city.
- All hubs are connected and flood sacrificially during hurricanes – quickly and naturally draining to the extended wetlands to the north of the city.