Douro Marina by Barbosa e Guimaraes

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Barbosa & Guimarães Architects is an architecture and urban planning office founded by José António Vidal Afonso Barbosa (Oporto, 1967) and Pedro Luís Martins Lino Lopes Guimarães (Oporto, 1969).

They acquired their architecture degree at Oporto University of Architecture (FAUP) in 1993. José Barbosa and Pedro Guimarães have been working together since 1994.

The work developed has got the recognition from the public and from the specialized critics, through the awards, public competitions, publications, expositions and conferences.

The office develops projects in various fields of architecture, ranging from public procurement contracts, educational buildings, health centers, sports facilities, cultural facilities, hotel equipment, institutional architecture, urban design, as well as the private residential buildings, commercial facilities and offices. The capacity to approach a program, inseparable from a client in a specific physical context, history and culture, embracing the expertise they have at our disposal or in some cases even forcing new techniques, and inovation, always trying to introduce an artistic intention, which will prove decisive in the final shape of the object. When the form, function and structure are harmoniously fused in a single thing, they hit the unity, which they consider truly essential in our architecture. The projects are developed in a comprehensive way, emphasizing the details of all building elements. Constant research and technical solutions ensures constructive adaptation to specific project. The projects are the result of logic and a proper way intended to be consistent, always aware of trends in contemporary International architecture.



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