Dual work. I knew David Frutos' work and met him in person a few weeks ago. When we decided to select 10 photographers, we asked him to write a few words (just like our other guests) to define his own work. The text was so simple and direct it seemed as if one could hear him speak. I couldn't resist selecting some paragraphs.
"Overspecialization was necessary since it fulfilled several functions: a distinguishing character in contrast to other photographers, technical quality in order to achieve excellence as a photographer and eventually these same resources where the ones that offered you higher expressive possibilities on a compositional and aesthetic level the other teams. This is why I've always worked with large format cameras, at first 4x5 inches plates and later its equivalent in digital. Somehow you could see my business philosophy summarized as a compendium of the most traditional cloth and tripod photography with the highest technology with digital chassis and large image circle opticals."
His way of working is expressed quite well in that philosophy which he says that goes "from cloth and tripod to sophisticated technology." The itineraries that cover the opposite ends of his work don't only affect the preparation processes, but also in his commitment to democratize access to architecture photography, recognizing something we all know, "architecture photography has been at reach for only a few number of offices, and those who couldn't afford a report ended up ordering very low quality reports (which were impossible to publish) and their buildings (often magnificent works) were destined to oblivion and indifference."
From a committed position, as well as reporting works by renowned architects (which appear in the most prestigious publications), he also takes great care and effort to photograph "small architecture". "Early projects" with more difficulties to respond to architecture photography projects. These are what David calls "mini-projects", which remembered me of the "minicredits" that also worked in other places and which become great investments in customer loyalty and investments for the future.
In this constantly dual positioning, David Frutos' photography doesn't end with the images delivery. Thanks to his excellent photography and the diffusion of his work, published in national and international media, his reports allow him to act as the common bond between architects and prestigious media, which in turn produces a dual synergy again, architect and photographer, that make publication strategies more efficient, enhancing the prestige of both. Right now this strategy has been reinforced by the launch of the platform www.bisimages.com, together with architecture photographer Héctor Santos Diez. It represents a major leap in Spain in the relationship between the media and architecture photography.
"From an aesthetic point of view, I define myself as a flexible photographer. I like listening to the architects contributions as creators and I respect their criteria and on the other hand I always experiment and try to surprise with my photographs, without forgetting the strong documentary character and perpetuation job that architecture photography implies, which entails great responsibility, since after some time the images are all that remains of many buildings which time and use often deteriorate."
All this work is complemented with an extensive informative activity through lectures, conferences and courses in architecture photography. It is a work full of cross dialogues in which David is fully involved.
We asked every photographer to send us 10+2 images, but David sent us a greater number of images. He let us choose, so the ten images presented below are only a small part of his work, put together in a dual way: a committed vision between different types of architecture, between abstraction and daily life, between architecture and people.
Text by.- José Juan Barba. Dr. Arquitecto.