Clean lines for the façade of the Colegio Mayor Jaizkibel by Otxotorena Arquitectos

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Juan M. Otxotorena
Collaborating architects
Gloria Herrera Damas, Catalina Delgado Pueyo
Quantity surveyor.- Ignacio Quintana Ortiz, Javier Urdaci Úbeda Engineering of structures.- Alvaro Alberdi engenharia Engineering of installations.- INCOA
Construcciones ACR
Colegio Mayor Jaizkibel
Plot area.- 5933.00 m² Builded surface.- 2829, 00 m²
End date.- August 2016

Juan Miguel Otxotorena Elizegi

Juan Miguel Otxotorena Elizegi. Born in 1959 in San Sebastian, he has lived in Pamplona since 1976, which was when he went to the city to start his university studies. He graduated as an architect at the Navarre University in 1983. He was distinguished with an Extraordinary Award for his Doctorate in1987. In 1990 he was appointed amongst many candidates the professorship of the Architectural Form Analysis Chair at Valladolid University, where he taught until 1994. For 15 years –from that time until up to September 2009– he was the Director of the Pamplona School of Architecture at the University of Navarre. He is still practices as a Professor and Director of the Projects Department.

His experience in the free exercise of the profession started in 1989. In 1998 he founded the current Otxotorena Arquitectos firm in which architects, surveyors and engineers collaborate, and with which he had obtained successive recognition on constructed buildings, amongst which we can highlight the second European Prize for Architecture of Sports Facilities (1999), and a whole series of open project competitions first prizes —on his own or associated with other architects—, such as those referred to the sports centres in Estella and Olazagutía, the new Headquarters of the Parliament in Navarra, The Palace of Congresses and Auditorium of Pamplona, the reconditioning of the León Cathedral cloisters, the new building for the Valle de Egüés Town Hall, the Aquavox Hydrothermal Center (Pamplona), the Tudela Courts, etc.



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