This project was developed by the art director Yuko Hasegawa and the architect Kazuyo Sejima for the village on Inujima. Three galleries, F-Art House, S-Art House, and I-Art House, designed for special displays, and a rest area were first opened on the island in 2010. In 2013, with the opening of two new galleries, A-Art House and C-Art House, works by five artists will be shown at each of the facilities and elsewhere around the village. The galleries, scattered around the area, are constructed out of a diverse range of materials including roofing tiles and other components of old houses, clear acrylic, and aluminum that reflects the landscape.
INUJIMA ART PROJECT 1/50, 2009 ©Kazuyo Sejima. Photo / Kazuyo Sejima & Associates.
INUJIMA ART PROJECT, 2009 ©Kazuyo Sejima. Photo / Kazuyo Sejima & Associates.
Visitor Information.-
Hours.- 10:00 a.m.-4:30 pm
Admission.- ¥2,000 (free for children 15 and under)
Calendar.- JUN 2013 MAR 2014
Location.- 327-5 Inujima, Higashi-ku, Okayama 7048153, Japan. Tel. +81-(0)86-947-1112.