Located in the limit between the urban and rural parts of town, it aims to signify and characterize the place. As a visual metaphore, the concrete structure seems to be gradually overtaken by the grass, creeping up the base.
Description of project by Abraham Castro and Carlos Pita
"A morning flight of pigeons greets the solid walls that teach geometry to the air, and to the whole valley"
Trips through Galicia. Alvaro Cunqueiro
Geography and landscape
The Football Field of A Gandareira is located at the limit of the town center of the Village of Bandeira-Concello de Silleda, in that undefined space between the rural and the urban, in that dispersed geography, which so characterizes the Galician habitat.
An anonymous piece, without birth certificate or author, immersed in the timelessness of the Galician rural landscape itself while acting as the limit of an urbanity that advances irremissibly, although now in a bewildered lethargy.
Public facilities
Built to cover the needs of a modest local sports society, which competes in all regional football categories, it is proposed as a low cost and minimal maintenance public facility, which tries to signify the place, giving it order and identity. Geometry and gravity as the only tools to achieve it. A true monument, following the Octavio Paz definition, since it orders and signifies the space in which it is inscribed. A determined and firm way to postulate the poeticization of common spaces and times of the people of the region.
We start from an objective, concrete architecture, far from the inspiration, from self-expression, which implies as a value the honesty and ethics of the material. This is, of its own construction. An architecture of great carnality, without details where the finishes are the very consequence of the construction processes.
A necessarily realistic architecture, without remnants, alien to all fetishism. Just two project actions: the delimitation of an enclosure following the regulatory measurements and the location of bleachers and changing rooms in a half-buried piece of on-site concrete walls, with great inertia, which supports, by simple gravity, a deck of inverted T prestressed beams. An absolutely architrave construction, a house of cards in pure balance that wants to be a place. A place where playing football is a celebration.