The Spanish art collective Boa Mistura worked in Mexico City painting a colourful mural of a 35m-tall tree on a…
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Art that breathes vs Murals to clean the air in Mexico. Photograph courtesy of Boa Mistura
We wonder in baffled amazement at the gargantuan stone architectures of ancient civilizations. How could they have possibly moved those stones? Today, we work under the false assumption that mass is tied to labor. Imagine a future where mass moves…
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WALKING ASSEMBLY by Matter Design Studio. Image by Matter Design Studio
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has published the creation of a new science education and outreach center in Geneva under the name of Science Gateway. The building will be designed…
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Outside view. Science Gateway project by Renzo Piano. Rendering by Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Stefano Boeri Architetti signs the new set-up of Cartoon of Raphael Room in Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan. Used by Raphael for the fresco of the School of Athens, in the stanza delle Segnature of the Vatican Museums, the preparatory cartoon takes…
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Set-up room for Cartoon of Raphael in Pinacoteca Ambrosiana by Stefano Boeri. Photograph by Paolo Rosselli
Opening Friday April 5, 2019 in New York, after more than a decade in the making, The Shed will be an arts center dedicated to…
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View of The Shed from 30th Street; Photo by Iwan Baan, courtesy of The Shed
Award-winning London and Malta-based architecture and design practice Mizzi Studio, has revealed innovative designs for a new electric fleet of buses for Malta.

The new designs, …
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Rendering. Malta Bus Reborn by Mizzi Studio.
What materials will be used to construct the buildings of the future? What impact will robotics have on the construction sector of the 21st century? What role will new technologies play in construction and in interaction with new homes? Is it…
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Future House project. Image courtesy of BBConstrumat
The lighting design company GD-Lighting Design is responsible for designing the lighting system of the UPER sportswear store in Shenzhen, China. The project is carried out in an…
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UPAR Flagship Store Lighting Design by GD-Lighting Design. Photograph by Bruce Zheng