"Malefic Time: Soum" is the new Kenny Ruiz manga based on the universe created by Luis Royo Romulo Royo and Norma Editorial will launch in XVIII Salón Manga de Barcelona (1 to 4 November at the Fira Palace Barcelona Montjuïc 2 )., full_html
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Malefic Time: Soum (Norma Editorial)
We listened to the radio and a print media journalist commented: What happend, why leave us until the Superherores?. Quickly ask myself and discover what happens with a small smile, that Superman is no longer the Daily Planet reporter. In Superman…
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Clark Kent leaves the "Daily Planet" and goes to the Web
Today we present a new animated short of FACTORY FIFTEEN, a creative studio specialising in film, animation and architectural representation. They have several animated shorts, and they are making their new film: Jonah - Artwork., full_html
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Jonah by Factory Fifteen
Our favorite cartoonish, Klaus Toons, opened a small exhibition at the Architecture Foundation in London. For the latest event in the Three Little Worlds programme, Jimenez Lai's Cartoonish Metropolis host an exhibition of comic work by celebrated…
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Chris Dent is an illustrator fascinated by city environments. His unique pen style shows the energy of the city through intricate and detailed drawings., full_html
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Manhattan. Illustration by Chris Dent
La Casa Encendida presents this summer, between July and September a retrospective dedicated to the best anime of the 90s. The exhibition "Anime Cut Proto. Visions and spaces in the Japanese animation ", shows a selection of drawings of the stages…
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Koji Morimoto Background for EXTRA copyright Beyond C, R&S Records, Sony Music Ent., 1995
This video was made by the famous american company design "Buck", who has directed and produced this tribute to promote the reading of good books. The animation takes as argument a reference to two well-known novels, "The Metamorphosis" written by…
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Good Books - Metamorphosis
Not the first time that the work by Rem Koolhaas appears in the popular television series The Simpsons, sure you remember the appearance of the iconic project for the CCTV headquarters (The Simpsons, Season 20, Episode 18: "Father Knows Worst"). ,…
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A los amantes del comic que se encuentren en Madrid no se les puede pasar la oportunidad de ir al Museo ABC que abre sus puertas al panorama del cómic, la novela gráfica y el manga en el Reino Unido y acoge el ciclo de encuentros UK Cómics durante…
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Cervantes, Dickens y Shakespeare en clave de cómic
Has been released this weekend, the epic action-adventure film “John Carter,” based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic, “A Princess of Mars,” the first novel in Burroughs’ Barsoom series. In scoop for METALOCUS readers bring the designs of the main…
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"JOHN CARTER" The city of Helium, also referred to as "The Jewel of Barsoom (Mars)," is the home of Princess Dejah Thoris. Author: Ryan Church. ©2011 Disney. JOHN CARTER™ ERB, Inc