The adventure story, part of a larger project "Malefic Time" designed by Luis Royo and Romulo Royo, takes place in a future Tokyo, a dense urban context, in a sense recharged and with a black aesthetic to Blade Runner.
Accompanying presentation Luis Royo y Romulo Royo show the audiovisual piece "Malefic Time: Soum", produced for the launch of the first manga series done by Kenny Ruiz, which began a year ago with the launch of the first illustrated book and musical disk by Avalanch . The story will be presented at the Salon del Manga de Barcelona between days 1 and 4 of November. Fàtima Ayats is one of the most famous artists in the audience of the Manga de Barcelona, will perform live the single main Malefic Time: Soum, entitled Silently.
The video filmed in digital cinema format, merge scenarios painted by Luis Royo and Romulo Royo with real characters played by Fatima Ayats, Jesús Donaire and Kam Siauying Paw Soum in the paper.
In the interview by Norma editorial to Kenny Ruiz, who won the award for the best manga of Spanish author of the Salón del Manga in Barcelona with his work Two swords, speaking of this last work, "Malefic Time: Soum".
Luis Royo and Romulo Royo launch MALEFIC TIME: SOUM