Water vs. Urban Scape, edited by Marco Ranzato and published by Jovis, presents promising new approaches to integrate water in the urban landscape., full_html
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"Water vs. Urban Scape" by Marco Ranzato. Courtesy of Jovis
The Serralves Foundation, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and the Canadian Centre for Architecture announce the launch of the first phase of a collaborative project to provide access to the archive of the Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza. ,…
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Álvaro Siza. Elevation of southeast facade with sketches, Bonjour Tristesse, c. 1980. Image courtesy via CCA
One of those events that you cannot miss, the Madrid Book Fair, a celebration of books and libraries, has already begun its latest edition. This year, after a long time, NAOS, one of the best architecture-themed bookstores in Spain – in our opinion…
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Covers of "Invenciones. Nueva York vs Rem Koolhaas, Bernard Tschumi, Piranesi" & "#positions" by José Juan Barba