The first COAM 2017 Award has been awarded ex aequo to two of the proposals presented: the Sports Center of the University Francisco de Vitoria, by architect Alberto Campo Baeza, and the carriages of the Cavalcade of Three Wise Men 2016 by Carlos Palacios Rodríguez, Uriel Fogué Herreros and Eva Gil Lopesin.
The first project has been recognized because it "adapts to the general management of the campus in terms of maximum heights and alignments and proposes a clear differentiation in terms of volume and facade material between sports use and the teacher."
The first project has been recognized because it "adapts to the general management of the campus in terms of maximum heights and alignments and proposes a clear differentiation in terms of volume and facade material between sports use and the teacher."
On the other hand, the jury has emphasized that the carriages of the Cavalcade of Three Wise Men 2016, "were configured from kaleidoscopes of lights and mirrors whose geometry multiplies the foci, provoking an effect of light depth that mix with images of the city , reflected in the mirrored pyramids."
Architectural works or interventions, carried out outside the Community of Madrid, which have been recognized with the Luis M. Mansilla Prize have been the La Rioja Courthouse, the study of Pesqueira Ulargui Arquitectos, and two other projects. The support of the jury in this first case has been because it has been "conceived as a building capable of establishing a relationship between the city, the existing heritage and a new object that is inserted next to it. The proposal resolves the required functional program in a compact way, while generating a public space wooded for the city."
The second of the winning projects with this award is by Luis Martínez Santa-María, on the columns commemorating the 30 years of the reconstruction of the German Pavilion in Barcelona and, thirdly, the jury has put in value the proposal of the parish in Pueblo Serena from the Moneo Brock studio.
Finally, the COAM +10 Award values architectural projects of more than 10 years that best withstand the passage of time. The Escuelas Pías Cultural Center, by José Ignacio Linazasoro,
"Is a reference work of the architecture of Madrid, and the European, in the territory of the intervention on the built, which should not be confused with that of restoration. It is, in short, an appropriation of the old from the new and a unitary and contemporary project that overcomes the dilemma posed through the distinction between preexistence and contemporary project.
Other winners
COAM has also recognized the following proposals with the COAM 2017 Award:
The book 'The luxury housing in Madrid since 1900 by Daniel Rincón; Casa Mirasierra by Ángela Juarranz and Javier de Andrés; the crowdfunding project 'Re-build La Roiba' by María Vázquez, Jesús Gallo and Pablo Olalquiaga; 'Space La Nube' by Raquel Ocón, Javier Guerra, Álvaro Gomis, Hugo Cifre, Margarita Fernández and Miguel Ángel Maure; and partial restructuring and refurbishment of an office building in Manuel de Falla Street, 7 by Gabriel Allende.
The prizes will be delivered on October 5th at 8:00 pm in the COAM Assembly Hall.