The project by AWA Arquitectos + Laboratorio Regional de Arquitectura for Jagüey Park consists of a space that includes a water reservoir surrounded by endemic vegetation and species for study and conservation, thus serving as a space rich in biodiversity that makes it a space for observing nature as well as a place of integration for the community.
With a circular geometry to be appreciated and function as a living space, the park focuses attention on the water reservoir, which is connected by a ramp that surrounds most of the land and connects the different levels of the park with each other.

El Jagüey Park by AWA Arquitectos + Laboratorio Regional de Arquitectura. Photograph by Ana Paula Álvarez.
Project description by AWA Arquitectos + Laboratorio Regional de Arquitectura
Jagüey is the generic term used to designate depressions in the terrain or small artificial dams that store rainwater and use it for livestock purposes, or to meet human needs. The objective of these constructions is to use the water as a watering hole for at least four months of the year.
With the arrival of modern hydraulic infrastructure, the jagüeyes were no longer used. Currently, there is only one jagüey within the municipal capital of Atlatlahucan, in the state of Morelos. As part of the Urban Improvement Program (PMU) promoted by the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), the project seeks to rescue this type of dam to prevent its disappearance. As an integral part of the preservation project, the creation of a surrounding park was proposed so that it can be appreciated and used as a public space by the people of the community and by students from nearby towns. The intention is for it to be a living space in which, although its main function is no longer to supply water, it becomes a place of reflection and contemplation.

The architectural program includes the water tank - which is accessed by means of a ramp that surrounds most of the land - a park with endemic vegetation and species for study and conservation, an elevated observatory and a wetland.
In this space, the community can enjoy an open and safe environment at any time of the day. The park is home to a wide variety of plant species that create islands of biodiversity; which allows the Jagüey to be a space for observing nature and integrating the community with the environment.