The comic was created by a diverse group of illustrators, Panel Syndicate, formed by Marcos Martín (author of books like Daredevil. The amazing Spider-man and Doctor Strange: The Oath) and Montsa Vicente (whose clients include Elle Magazine, Harper Collins or Vitubrio Leo Burnett) with Brian V. Vaughan writer and co-creator of comics including Saga, Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina, Brian K. Vaughan sometimes moonlights as a writer-producer on television shows like Lost and Stephen King's Under the Dome.
The surprise, or not, it is to see as in the typical year-end highlights, various specialized media (USA Today, The Verge or webs or specialized sites, Kotaku and Hollywood Reporter) have pointed out as one of the best comics of 2013.
It's the eye candy that sucks you in first: awesome environmental and character designs shot through with neon and pneumatic tubes and an irresistible daisy chain of all your favorite retro/future visual signifiers crammed into each other. But the best thing about The Private Eye is how it tortures you with what it means to live in a hyper-connected world. Its characters move through a world where keeping secrets is an obsession because people lived through a datapocalypse where all their collective internet dirty laundry was public. And in a year when the reality of the surveillance state was impossible to ignore, thisdigitally distributed title makes you think about your own web browsing and social network sharing in the worst possible way.
Two great comics creators are letting you pay what you want for their new series.
From Monday to have the sale Print comics at $ 20 a copy, or 50 in the case of a numbered edition (only 100 copies) signed by the authors.
The Private Eye
Writer.- Brian K Vaughan.
Artist.- Marcos Martin with Musta Vicente.
Publisher.- Panel Syndicate.
Release date.- Issue #1 March 2013, Issue #2 May 2013.
Price.- PWYW (pay what you want).
Age.- Mature.
Genre.- Sci-fi, Detective story.
Available in.- English, Spanish & Catalan.