Architecture studios Arruabarrena Arkitektura and ache Arquitectura designed the intervention that completes a linear block of flats from the 1960s, on a small corner plot, located next to one of the entry axes to the city of Irún, in Spain. The project is developed following the quality standards required for a passive house to reduce its energy consumption. Doing the best at the lowest cost, for excellent public housing.

The block aligned to the street reinterprets the repetition of openings of the linear block using vertical strips of ceramic finish that are interchanged with different openings. The project uses different sustainable strategies in its two façades, solving energy needs as well as privacy and exterior views to achieve comfort in the interior spaces.

The project developed by Arruabarrena arkitektura and ache arquitectura revises the classic social housing typology with a concrete structure, based on a vertical communication core with two dwellings per floor. The openings on the south side of the house achieve a sensation of lightness and visual permeability thanks to laminated wooden beams supported by a single slender steel pillar, while the rest of the house is protected from street noise.

The structure is made of load-bearing walls and floor slabs of CLT cross-laminated timber prefabricated in a local workshop. The timber structure not only solves the load-bearing needs, but also qualifies the spaces as the ceilings are exposed in all the rooms and balconies except in the wet areas, providing warmth and comfort to the house due to the hygroscopic properties of the wood's humidity control.
Social housing for rent in Irun by Arruabarrena arkitektura + ache arquitectura. Photograph by Jesús Granada.
Social housing for rent in Irun by Arruabarrena arkitektura + ache arquitectura. Photograph by Jesús Granada.

Project description by Arruabarrena arkitektura + ache arquitectura

This is an intervention that completes a linear block of houses from the 60s, finishing off a small corner plot located next to one of the entry axes to the city of Irún. A border city with irregular urban morphology that has grown heterogeneously around its main access axes.

The block is aligned with Alarde Street on its north facade, bordering on the west with Lapice Street, which rises on a slight slope towards the neighborhood of "cheap houses or garden city" built in the 30s.

The new building aims to interpret the place and become part of the neighborhood with the desire that the new tenants can acquire a feeling of belonging, creating a quality living space and thus turning housing into an element of social cohesion.

A common problem such as solving the corner finish of a block of collective social housing from the 60s allows us to review the classic typology based on a vertical communication core with two dwellings per floor, as well as to carry out an exercise in innovation in the traditional way of building without losing values ​​associated with it such as warmth or detail.

Social housing for rent in Irun by Arruabarrena arkitektura + ache arquitectura. Photograph by Jesús Granada.
Social housing for rent in Irun by Arruabarrena arkitektura + ache arquitectura. Photograph by Jesús Granada.

Implantation on site and urban resolution of the corner plot
The composition on the north facade reinterprets the repetition of gaps in the linear block using vertical strips/bands of ceramic finish next to small windows (bedrooms, kitchen, clotheslines). On the south facade, large windows and vertical wooden slats protecting the balconies continue with the game of the neighbouring block where life freely looks out onto the patios and rear gardens. These two facades, which resolve needs for energy as well as privacy and exterior views, converge to the west.

In the urban environment this translates into a clear, simple and austere composition of the façade, managing to respect the scale and spirit of the place with a vocation for integration without being mimetic.

Fluidity and quality of spaces. Typologies
The maximum use is made of the small plot of 16x16 meters to house the 10 homes on 5 floors above ground level with storage rooms in the basement. They are small and humble homes in surface area (4 different typologies between 40-62 m² useful interior and 1-3 rooms) but with a fluid distribution. The social core of the home (living room-kitchen) extends to the rest of the rooms of the house with generous openings in the façade towards the patios or balconies to the south, providing quality spaces and a feeling of greater spaciousness. The house is elongated, there are no corridors and one moves attracted by the light.

The minimum balcony allowed by the regulations is the public extension of the house on floors 1-4. Wooden and aluminium slats filter the light, the sun and the neighbourhood inside. Ramshackle vegetable gardens, the neighbours' colourful flower pots etc. are also part of the vital richness of HABITAR un espacio. A house within another through the south-facing windows.

On the ground floor the houses have a small vegetable garden or orchard as an extension of the open and through interior space.

The common access space to the houses is spacious, bright and connects the two streets (Alarde and Lapice) on the ground floor through the building, giving continuity to the circulations, avoiding dead ends and generating meeting spaces between neighbours.

Social housing for rent in Irun by Arruabarena arkitectura + ache arquitectura. Photograph by Jesús Granada.
Social housing for rent in Irun by Arruabarrena arkitektura + ache arquitectura. Photograph by Jesús Granada.

Construction, sustainability and comfort
The structure is resolved with load-bearing walls and CLT cross-laminated timber slabs prefabricated in a workshop with local radiata pine material (Km0). This means a significant reduction in execution times as well as reducing CO2 emissions. In the open spaces to the south, laminated wooden beams are used, supported by a single, slender steel pillar to achieve a feeling of lightness and visual permeability.

The wooden structure not only meets the load-bearing needs, but also classifies the spaces by leaving the ceilings exposed, providing warmth and comfort due to its hygroscopic properties for humidity control.

For the building envelope, a Composite Exterior Thermal Insulation System (SATE) is used, which further improves the thermal inertia that the CLT provides to the building, also guaranteeing the breaking of thermal bridges. The north and west facades, as well as the entire perimeter plinth of the building have a 2cm ceramic tile finish. FSC-certified larch wood slats create a protective filter on the balconies and clotheslines.

Social housing for rent in Irun by Arruabarena arkitectura + ache arquitectura. Photograph by Jesús Granada.
Social housing for rent in Irun by Arruabarrena arkitektura + ache arquitectura. Photograph by Jesús Granada.

Energy-wise, in addition to passive design strategies (a high thermal inertia envelope, double N-S orientation for cross ventilation in all homes and exterior solar protection with adjustable slats on the south façade), it has been designed with the quality standards required for a Passivhaus home with the aim of reducing the tenants' energy consumption by 75% compared to a conventional apartment block.

Efficient installations such as heat recovery units for thermal comfort in homes and the use of renewable energies such as the aerothermal system to generate DHW and air conditioning contribute to reducing consumption.

The building has an A energy rating, with an energy consumption of 22.43 kWh/m² per year and emissions of 3.83 kg of CO2/m² per year.

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Arruabarrena arkitektura.  Lead architect.- Xabier Arruabarrena.

ache arquitectura. Lead architect.- Ángel Munárriz.

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Project team

Maria Tàpies, Maialen Tellechea, Nina Buzinel, Eneritz Arruti, Aitor Martínez, Javier Glaría, María Labairu, Daniel Morras, Irene Vaz, Virginia Yoldi.

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Quantity surveyor.- Asier Zarrazkin.
MEP.- Aialme Ingenieros.
Pasivhaus consultant.- Amaya Salinas.

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IRUNVI (Sociedad Pública de Vivienda de Irún).

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Construcciones SUKIA SL.

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1,308 sqm.

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Start date.- March 2022.
Completed.- October 2023.

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Calle Alarde nº9, 20303, Irún, Guipúzcoa. Spain.

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€ 1,623,755.

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Egoin.- Radiata pine CLT cross-laminated timber structure.
Carmave.- Passivhaus approved exterior carpentry made of aluminium wood.
Gradhermetic.- Grad Stor 80 and Metalic 100 exterior blinds.
La Paloma.- Prefabricated element for exterior insulation on the façade (Termoklinker).

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Arruabarena arkitektura.  Architecture studio founded in 2008 by Xabier Arruabarrena, an architect from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra (ETSAUNAV) since 2002 and with a 22-year track record in the development of projects and works in the fields of architecture, urban planning and design.

The axes on which its architecture is based are a strong social commitment and the creation of living spaces that respond to the needs and desires of people. With rigorous and focused work where creation and multiple conditions are kept in permanent balance.

Some of its outstanding works are the 150-place Geriatric Center and Day Center along with the Renovation of an old Convent for a residence for Religious and Supervised Apartments in Hondarribia. Competition for the transformation of the former Alejandro de la Sota Emigration Building into a Civic and Cultural Centre in Irún (1st prize and work in progress). Gateway to Irun at its connection with France. Preliminary project for the urban development of 26 Passive House dwellings with modular systems in Arano. Competition for the recovery of the Osinbeltz Quarry in Zestoa (3rd prize). International competitions with a special link to Slovenia, such as those developed for the Slovenian National Library NUK II and the Debelei rtic Youth Rehabilitation Centre for the Disabled (3rd prize).

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ache arquitectura. Architecture office founded in 1998 by Ángel Munárriz, an architect from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra (ETSAUNAV) since 1990.

With a team of 7 architects and regular collaborators as consultants on structure, installations and costs, they approach architecture as a "profession" of great importance and social dimension. They approach their work convinced that there are no standard solutions that define the what, but there are guidelines and processes that define the how, without losing sight of the uniqueness of the problem posed by each client, making their objectives and goals "their own." In the continuous search for quality and improvement, they permanently incorporate new technologies and processes such as Quality systems, Ecodesign, BIM or Lean Construction.

With a long track record in the construction of more than 2,000 homes, especially in the field of social housing at a national level for the administrations of Navarre, the Basque Country and Madrid, they also carry out work in areas such as Retail (Shopping Centres), Healthcare (nursing homes) and Public Residential (Hotels and Student Residences).

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