This advertising short film shows Aitana as the protagonist, walking aimlessly through different locations in Los Angeles. Following her instincts, she goes from some train tracks to the streets of the city, ending up in a chapel with the Greek symbol "alpha" illuminated in red. She then transitions to a hologram image.
Alpha represents the refuge of the artist and her public, being her safe place as well as a paradigm shift and increasing her comfort zone. Futuristic and technological aspects of the pop genre create a new identity, as does the whole process of integrating her new electronic sound.
Aitana. Our Saturday music video. (Official Music Video). METALOCUS MUSIC PROJECT.
Alpha represents the refuge of the artist and her public, being her safe place as well as a paradigm shift and increasing her comfort zone. Futuristic and technological aspects of the pop genre create a new identity, as does the whole process of integrating her new electronic sound.
Aitana. Our Saturday music video. (Official Music Video). METALOCUS MUSIC PROJECT.
Production.- Andrés Torres, Mauricio Rengifo.