Portsoken Pavilion by Make Architects. New pavilion and landscaped public square

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Aecom, Air3, Cantifix Glazing, Fluid Structures, Kier, Littlehampton Welding

Ken Shuttleworth Make Architects

Make is a different architecture practice. Founded by Ken Shuttleworth in 2004, it is a company owned by employees. The practice pursues a process of democratic design in which the opinions of all are valued.

It has more than 150 workers between London, Hong Kong and Sydney that provide various services such as architecture, interior design and urban design from the concept stage to its material completion.

About Make.- 

Make is an international architecture practice. It has been awarded a reputation for challenging conventions and seeking excellence in design. Since the practice opened its doors in 2004, they have worked on more than 1,300 projects around the world covering a wide range of sectors. They have delivered 68 construction schemes to studios on three continents, including 43 buildings, 18 interiors and renovations and 7 smaller design projects. 95 planning permits were also obtained and 11 master plans were made. Its work is inspired by a singular purpose: to design the best buildings, places and spaces in the world.



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