The story of Noah’s Ark was the competition concept set forth by the Jewish Museum Berlin. The flood narrative is deeply rooted in Abrahamic cultures. “The design by Olson Kundig has the potential to unpack the biblical story in all its relevance, as well as building connections with the present day―rescuing people and animals, the relationship between nature and civilization, and the chance to make new beginnings,” says Peter Schäfer, Director of the Jewish Museum. Olson Kundig’s design includes interactive installations that appeal to the imagination, while scientific elements develop the flood narrative’s thematic diversity. The jury that awarded first prize to Olson Kundig recommended its implementation.
This marks Maskin’s second win in an international design competition this year―his first was for “Welcome To The Fifth Façade” in Blank Space’s Fairy Tales competition. Alan reacted to the announcement of Olson Kundig being selected as the first prize winner: “We are thrilled to have been awarded first place in this competition. The Noah’s Ark story, and the hundreds of flood narratives that precede the Old Testament story were a source of inspiration to our team. Our design approach was to create a modern retelling of the ancient story―an experience that provides a sense of hope and possibility to the people who will visit it.”
Olson Kundig Design Team.-
Alan Maskin, Owner/Principal, Design Principal
Marlene Chen, Principal
Stephen Yamada-Heidner, Principal
Laura Bartunek, Architectural Staff
Tessa Crespo, Architectural Staff
Juan Ferreira, Architectural Staff
Jerome Tryon, Architectural Staff
Andy Cho, Architectural Intern
Samantha Gutteridge, Architectural Intern
Ernest Wang, Architectural Intern
Gabriela Frank, Director of Business Development & Marketing
Katie Miller, Marketing Coordinator
Competition Consultants.-
Structural engineering: Karen Eisenloffel, EiSat GmbH, Berlin
Climate engineering: Thomas Auer, Transsolar KlimaEngineering, Stuttgart
Fire protection: Peter Stanek, Architektur- und Sachverständigenbüro, Berlin
Local architect: Philip Engelbrecht, Architekturbüro Engelbrecht, Berlin
Structural engineering: Jay Taylor, Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Seattle
Cost consultant: Andrew Cluness, C&N Consultants, Inc., Seattle
Exhibition fabrication: Kevin Belcher, Pacific Studio, Seattle