All that pass by the School of Architecture of Madrid (in those years the only architecture school in Madrid), we considered teacher of teachers, in classrooms Oiza left an optimistic and vital way of doing and seeing architecture, much more than the essence of a thought, defined by himself as contradictory.
Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza, born in Cáseda (Navarra) however grew up in Seville. His family would move to Madrid later. "Do not die without going to Ronchand" enters the legend of the character and the close relationship he had with the sculptor and poet Jorge Oteiza, whom he met in the early 50s in Aranzazu, and whose relationship was maintained until the end of their days. It was precisely Oteiza who in the last months of life of the architect, told him going to visit the chapel that Le Corbusier had built in northwestern France and gave rise to the expresion "Do not die without going to Ronchamp".
Controversial figure and polemicist, creator of very different works in style and also in assessing the public. If Oíza was right and the architecture is as graphology, perhaps entering in Torres Blancas in the Banco de Bilbao or Santander Festival Hall can know the universe that surrounded architect, and a more realistic Oíza.