This extraordinary landscape between the old water infrastructure and the bed of the Palancia river, from which it feeds upstream, collides with the deteriorated façade of the municipality where the layout of the streets cuts off abruptly.
A pergola open to the orchard by Bona Fide Taller. Photograph by Oleh Kardash Horlay.
A pergola open to the orchard by Bona Fide Taller. Photograph by Oleh Kardash Horlay.
A pergola open to the orchard by Bona Fide Taller. Photograph by Oleh Kardash Horlay.
Project description by Bona Fide Taller
There is a balcony of rod mesh and jasmine at the end of St.Peter street, above the medlar plantation. On one side lies the walls of the Gothic Palace garden, a settling point from where the village of Sot de Ferrer grew, in the province of Castellon, Spain.
On the other side, a path gently slopes downward to the remains of the old washhouse. New stairs provide access and sitting –surprisingly, it is still in use by a few neighbours of age-.
The concrete wall allows for a small plaza open to the fields and the trees that follow the stream of the river. One can sit on its edge and refresh their feet in the main irrigation ditch, as it always carries water.
The pergola gathers all the space under its curved vault, soon to be covered by Virginia creeper vine, red in Autumn.