INsite photos by Kate Joyce. Mies’ Farnsworth House by Luftwerk

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Petra Bachmaier, Sean Gallero. LUFTWERK

Luftwerk is the collaborative vision and artistic practice of Petra Bachmaier and Sean Gallero. The duo have been working together for over 10 years, creating art installations that merge the elements of light and video with the sculptural aspects of architecture and design. In 2010 Luftwerk was commissioned to create a new media exhibit for Frank Lloyd Wright’s centennial celebration of The Robie House. Since then Bachmaier and Gallero have discovered a resonance with architecture and the experience of space and site, developing several projects that transform architecture into a canvas of light and motion. Their projects open a new dialogue of rediscovery that bridges history and contemporary media of public spaces and landmark structures. Currently they are engaged with The National Trust of Historic Preservation to create an immersive site-specific exhibit for the Farnsworth House in Plano, IL.




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