The remodelation of the Glories square, in Barcelona, ​​seemed to never come. The signed agreement between City Council and residents, remained asleep since 2007, and seems now waking up to the outcome of the competition held last year.

The winners were the team of Ana Coello de Llobet and the Agence Ter (French study founded ​​by Henri Bava, Michel and Olivier Philippe Hoessler) with CANÒPIA URBANA proposal. The winning idea will develop the project on an area of ​​15 hectares, it has an estimated budget of 30 million euros (relatively adjusted figure compared to the rest of 10 shortlists, out of 55 submitted) raising the possibility of a implementation in six different steps, between 2015 and 2018. A very good the group, the team winner. Congratulations!

The project don't forgets the initial agreement and tries to respond to the issues raised therein, to different scale , ranging from consideration of urban centrality in the plan proposed by Ildefonso Cerda; to manage traffic produced by the intersection of Avenida diagonal, Meridiana Avenue and Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes , the latter with a tunnel for long distance traffic and finally get the project is developed in a single plane , with the best facilities and a compacting development and a good location to new houses. The winning proposal raises a green project that allows continuity between the Citadel park and future Sagrera park, not to mention open spaces of different scale ( multifunctional ) for use by activities of citizens. Joint spaces is supported by a water harvesting system designed under development parameters of the new vegetation.

Canòpia Urbana. Description of project by Agence Ter y Ana Coello

La centralidad física y geográfica de la Plaça de les Glòries no se había traducido hasta ahora en la centralidad urbana que había previsto Cerdà para esta zona de Barcelona. Situada en la intersección entre las tres principales avenidas de la ciudad, Glòries se encuentra hoy en la articulación entre el sistema urbano del ensanche Cerdà y el futuro eje verde que unirá los parques de Trinidad, Sagrera y Ciudadela. Glòries representa una oportunidad para la creación de un parque-plaza, que incluya nuevas dimensiones contemporáneas, como la biodiversidad y el confort climático, así como espacio para las prácticas recreativas cotidianas.

El proyecto de ‘Canòpia Urbana’ prevé un espacio de aproximadamente 15 hectáreas para el uso cotidiano de los ciudadanos. Un espacio abierto a la ciudad, que reemplaza el tráfico vehicular privado por una movilidad más sostenible y ofrece a Barcelona un espacio urbano vegetal, extenso y confortable.

Este nuevo espacio unitario y con carácter propio se construye a partir de tres estratos:
•    El subsuelo, actualmente ocupado por las infraestructuras y caracterizado por un suelo inerte, al que se añade un espesor fértil variable que permitirá la multiplicación de los biotopos.
•    Un suelo continuo, lo más plano posible y polivalente, que varia del gris al verde y del verde al gris, y que favorece la continuidad entre los barrios, ampliando los límites espaciales perceptibles.
•    Una canopia vegetal, que acompaña los ejes cívicos del este de la ciudad, generando la densidad vegetal, y constituyendo la continuidad ecológica entre Sagrera y Ciudadela. Esta cobertura vegetal se inscribe en el nivel de referencia de los tejados de la ciudad, y relaciona el nivel de la ciudad con el horizonte y los hitos metropolitanos (mar y montaña, Tibidabo, Sagrada Familia, etc.)

Estos tres estratos se articulan mediante un sistema de nodos de desarrollo vertical, que operan como intensificadores a distintos niveles y que ponen en relación todos los estratos.

El futuro espacio contempla una hibridación de las dimensiones programática, ecológica, climática, digital y virtual, incluyendo:
- una programación urbana amplia, local y metropolitana;
- la dimensión ecológica, que potencia el desarrollo de la biodiversidad;
- la regulación climática, como mecanismo de adaptación al cambio climático;
- la tecnología digital y virtual, como herramienta de información y de gestión.

Los nodos constituyen el sistema de referencia del nuevo espacio. Los macronodos son espacios abiertos que pueden acoger múltiples actividades; mientras que los micronodos son pequeños espacios inaccesibles, y suponen un refugio indispensable para el desarrollo de la fauna y flora. La complejidad vertical de los nodos, constituidos por todos los estratos vegetales (herbáceo, arbustivo y arbóreo), permite la multiplicación de las condiciones (t°, humedad, luz, nutrientes..); y favorece el desarrollo de la biodiversidad. Partiendo de una huella limitada a nivel del suelo, los micronodos se densifican y adquieren mayor volumen conforme se aproximan al nivel de la canopia, hasta acabar fundiéndose con ésta.

Desde el punto de vista de la sostenibilidad, los nodos contribuyen a una gestión hídrica eficiente. Se recupera el agua de lluvia del sitio y de las cubiertas de las nuevas edificaciones; y se plantea una vegetación de bajas necesidades hídricas y bien adaptada al clima (70% mediterránea, 30% exótica) La densidad vegetal de los nodos y el nuevo suelo fértil contribuyen a la regulación climática, aportando frescor y confort en verano. Se destina una gran superficie de césped practicable (2ha), para el consumo y disfrute de los ciudadanos.

El proyecto da continuidad a la Diagonal en el tramo de Glòries, hecho que supondrá la compleción del eje planteado por Cerdà y que finalmente unirá el litoral con el centro de la ciudad. La  Meridiana también se conserva, aunque de manera más difusa : su traza se diversifica o ramifica redibujando los distintos ejes cívicos e históricos (C/Ribes, C/Clot y Rec Comtal). La Gran Via pasa soterrada, su trazado no aparece en superficie puesto que contiene el tráfico rodado. Aun así, en la perspectiva de este eje y desde toda la ciudad podrá percibirse la canopia vegetal propuesta para Glòries.

El proyecto respeta además el planeamiento vigente e incluye muchas de la demandas recogidas en el proceso de participación ciudadana. Concentra las edificaciones en la franja oeste (81.000m2 de viviendas (55% en régimen libre, 45% en régimen de protección) + 9.000m2 de techo para actividades económicas); e incluye en el perímetro de la plaza los 14 equipamientos de barrio previstos en el Compromís per Glòries.  El intercambiador en superficie entre los distintos medios de transporte (metro, tranvía, bus, bicicleta) se sitúa en el lado sur, a proximidad de los equipamientos metropolitanos existentes  (Auditori, TNC, Museu del Diseny, Mercat dels Encants) y bajo la canopia, que se intensifica precisamente sobre el espacio intermodal.

Algunos de los espacios singulares que plantea el proyecto son:
•    Un mirador lúdico, cuya situación privilegiada en la tangencia entre Diagonal, Meridiana y Gran Vía, permitirá al ciudadano extraerse del suelo de la ciudad y contemplar el horizonte metropolitano.
•    La avenida Diagonal, convertida en un paseo peatonal fresco y que incluye una fina lámina de agua.
•    Un jardín de acogida, situado a la salida del metro.
•    Un balcón urbano, en la franja norte.
•    Un ágora verde polivalente, con capacidad para acoger manifestaciones de orden metropolitano.



Team.- Agence Ter & Ana Coello de Llobet.  
Agence Ter.- Paisatgistes - Urbanistes. Olivier Philippe.  Elena Fontal. Benoit Barnoud. Collaborators.- François Egreteau. Natalia Escar. Marina Daviu. Aldo Jiménez.
Ana Coello de Llobet, Paisaje y Arquitectura.-  Ana Coello de Llobet. Collaborator.- Oihana Kerexeta.
Collaborators.- Agronomy.- FACTORS DE PAISATGE / Manuel COLOMINAS. Ecology and Environment.- ESTUDI XAVIER MAYOR. Engineering and Infrastructures.- JG INGENIEROS. Budget.- FRANCESC XAIRÓ I ASSOCIATS SL. Digital project.- AGENCE NEZ HAUT / Jean - Christophe CHOBLET. Consultant Urbanism.- Yannick TROUBAT. Climate Engineering.- TRANSSOLAR. Rendering.- Julien COMBES. Video.- EFILM / Serge GAUTIER. Model.- SZOMASTUDIO.    

Area.-  15 Ha
Budget.- € 30 M (Excludes embodiment of the tunnels or buildings)
Schedule.- 2015 -2018.

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Agence Ter Architectures. Henri Bava, Michel Hössler and Olivier Philippe, are the three founders of Agence Ter. Theeir team in Paris consists of some forty employees, fifteen nationalities, over one hundred current projects in more than ten different countries.

Henri Bava. Born in Tunisia and raised between Tunisia and Paris, Henri Bava started his studies with a degree in plant biology from Paris-Orsay University. Showing a keen interest in the living world but from different perspectives, he enrolled afterwards in the École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage (ENSP) in Versailles in 1980, following at the same time a stage design course at the Jacques Lecoq École Internationale de Théâtre in Paris. He graduated as DPLG landscape designer in 1984 with Michel Corajoud as supervisor, and worked for one year in his agency in Paris. In 1986, with his current associates, he founded Agence Ter. Just three years after obtaining his degree, he returned to the ENSP Versailles as a teacher, in parallel to his professional activities, for a period of ten years. As of 1989, after the departure of Michel Hössler for French Guyana, he headed the Agence Ter office in Paris together with Olivier Philippe. From 1993 to 1997, he combined this with work as a State Consultant Landscape Designer for the DDE of the Eure County. Henri Bava was elected president of the French Landscape Federation, a position held between 1996 and 1998.

It was at this time that he initiated his work in Germany. He lead the execution of the Aqua Magica Park project near Hanover and was appointed at the same time, under a European recruitment process, as full professor and director of the Landscape department of the school of architecture at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where he is still teaching today. In 2000, he created an Agence Ter office in Karlsruhe, from where he directed large cross-border territory development projects, rehabilitation projects for derelict industrial sites or the realisation of major public venues, such as in Duisburg. Six years later he was elected a member of the Berlin Academy of Arts. After returning to Agence Ter Paris in 2007, he was elected president of the governing board of the École Nationale de la Nature et du Paysage, Blois (ENSNP) in 2010. That same year, Henri Bava was invited to the Harvard University Graduate School of Design by Charles Waldheim, director of the landscape department, where he often teaches in the frame of design studios until today.

Michel Hössler. Born and raised in the Paris metropolitan area, Michel Hössler obtained both the degrees of landscape architect (DPLG) and urban planner (DIUP). He studied botany at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, followed by landscape architecture at the École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage (ENSP) in Versailles and urban planning at the Institut d’Urbanisme in Paris XII. In 1986 he founded the office of Agence Ter in Paris with his fellow student Henri Bava and Olivier Philippe, a colleague in the landscape architecture office of Alexandre Chemetoff.

From 1989 onwards Michel Hössler was director of the branch office in Kourou, French Guyana, conceiving and realizing large-scale projects in Guyana as well as the West Indies. Since 2005, Michel Hössler has been again based in the Paris office, responsible for major urban projects throughout France and around the world, retaining his interest in projects in the tropics and developing a series of projects in China, including the French Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai International Exposition, with Jacques Ferrier Architects, and in 2016, the landscape design for the right banks of Shanghai’s Huangpu river.

From 2005, he has taught at the ENSP in Versailles, and since several years he has the position of master assistant at the ENSA Paris – La Villette. With his two associates he has led workshops in Urban and Landscape Design at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design as well as landscape design studios at the ETSAB in Barcelona.

Olivier Philippe.  After being raised both in Paris and India, Olivier Philippe studied at the Special School of Architecture and Landscape of Paris, after which he joined the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He later graduated as a landscape architect from the National School of Landscape of Versailles. His professional career started with the crucial encounter with Alexandre Chemetoff, with whom he collaborated for five years. Afterwards, he became a consultant at the Parc de la Villette Public Establishment, involved in developing the park of Bernard Tschumi. During this period, he met Henri Bava and Michel Hössler, with whom he decided to create Agence Ter in 1986. One year later, and this for a period of seventeen years, he started teaching at the École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage, Versailles, in the framework of a project workshop, addressing all scales of the urban and territorial project, always with the landscape as driver for development.

From 1995 to 1998, he was State Consultant Landscape Designer for the Aisne County. From 1999 to 2006, as the only associate based in Paris, he was leading vast urban projects such as Euralille 2 (the Inhabited Wood), Portes d’Arcueil (La Vache Noire) or the North Bahrain New Town, whilst managing at the same time major public space and park projects (Cormailles Park in Ivry and, more recently, the Royal Canal Linear Park in Dublin and the Parc de Billancourt in Boulogne-Billancourt).

In 2008, Olivier Philippe chaired the NAJAP jury (new albums of young architects and landscape designers) and became member of the French Europan governing board.  The projects he currently leads include the Metropolitan Park of Saint-Ouen, the Square of “Les Glories Catalanes” in Barcelona, the renovation of the Royal Air Force Museum in Hendon, London and the urban and landscape design for the Condorcet Campus in Aubervilliers, Paris. In 2011, he taught at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design along with his two associates in the frame of a landscape and urban design studio. Olivier Philippe has also been guest professor at other institutions, as for example landscape design studio teacher at the ETSAB in Barcelona in 2016.

Prix Les Défis Urbains – 2016
Distinction pour le prix de l’urbanisme d’Allemagne 2014
Finaliste prix Innovative process, filtering gardens – 2014
Prix IBA – Exzellenz  – 2013
Finaliste Prix European Garden Award 2013, catégorie Conception contemporaine innovante d’un parc ou d’un jardin
Prix de l’aménagement exemplaire de l’année – 2005/2012
7th European Urban and Regional Planning Awards 2008, catégorie projets transfrontaliers/ aménagement du territoire/ cohésion territoriale
Médaille 2008 de la Fondation de l’Académie française d’Architecture
Finaliste Prix Européen du Paysage Rosa Barba 2008
Grand Prix National du Paysage – 2007
Grand Prix Régional de l’Architecture et du Paysage – 2003
Finaliste Prix Européen du Paysage Rosa Barba 2001
Prix de la Première OEuvre
Prix du paysage 1994
Prix AMO 1994
Prix de l’Aménagement Urbain 1993 – Mention catégorie Espace Public
Trophée du Paysage 1991
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Published on: March 19, 2014
Cite: "First Prize, remodelation Glorias square, Barcelona" METALOCUS. Accessed
<> ISSN 1139-6415
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