Edison Residence by Kanva

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Tudor Radulescu, Rami Bebawi. KANVA Architecture

KANVA is a architecture office based in Montreal, Canada, and founded in 2003. Their multidisciplinary practice centres on contemporary interventions in the urban landscape. Each of their projects expresses their core values of sustainability, innovation and integration. They don’t just design: they envision, build, develop and influence.

Founding partners Tudor Radulescu and Rami Bebawi are both graduates of the McGill School of Architecture. In 2009, Tudor Radulescu and Rami Bebawi were selected by the Quebec government as Modèles sans frontières (mentors without borders) to serve as positive role models for children from underprivileged communities. La Presse, North America’s largest French-language daily, cited Radulescu and Bebawi as among the 36 most promising figures in tomorrow’s Quebec. They lead the team in commercial, corporate, residential and industrial mandates.

Collaboration is the key to their work. Their tightly knit team of professionals works to maximize each project’s potential, feasibility and impact. They prioritize cooperation, dialogue and interaction — the same values they share with the community. In their definition, true success comes from setting a positive example.

Tudor Radulescu and Rami Bebawi




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