Day-Care and Young Workers Hostel

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Avenier & Cornejo. After graduating from the architecture school of Paris-Malaquais, Christelle Avenier and Chilean-born Miguel Cornejo were short-listed for the Robert Auzelle prize "LumiËres de la Ville" and won funding from Electra (ElectricitÈ De France), with a project in Valparaiso, Chile. Having worked for several firms, including Mathias Klotz in Chile, Francois Roche (R&Sie (n)) in Paris, and Deremer Architect Douglas in San Francisco, USA, Avenier and Cornejo  joined forces and established their studio in Paris eight years ago.

Nowdays their growing portfolio includes several larger-scale projects completed, from Maison 2G in Orsay, day-care and social housing in Paris to a macro complex residential and a healthcare center in ZAC des Batignolles in progress.

Avenier & Cornejo. Tras graduarse por la Escuela de Arquitectura de Paris-Malaquais, Christelle Avenier y Chilean-born Miguel Cornejo fueron pre-seleccionados para el Premio Robert Auzulle "LumiËres de la ville" y consiguieron financiación de manos de Electra (Electricitè De France), con un proyecto en Valparaiso, Chile. Habiendo trabajado en varios estudios, incluyendo el de Mathias Klotz en Chile, Francois Roche en París y Deremer Architect Douglas en San Francisco, EE.UU., Avenier y Cornejo unieron sus fuerzas y establecieron su estudio en París hace ahora ocho años.

Actualmente su creciente portfolio incluye varios proyectos de gran escala terminados, desde la Maison 2G en Orsay, el centro de cuidados de París o el macro complejo residencial y centro de cuidados ZAC de los Batignolles en construcción.


Chartier Dalix Architects. Since its creation in 2006 by Frèdèric Chartier and Pascale Dalix, Chartier Dalix architects office directs its research towards a balance between location and projection, between what is given and what can go further. The constraints are thus considered as tools that drive the design of the project and define the uniqueness and strength of the resulting building. The act of architecture is designed as a common and multidisciplinary structure, a contextual, unifying and innovating editing.

Rewarded in 2009 by the Price of the first edition of works (ed. Le Moniteur) for a bowling pitch at Meaux, and noticed at the international competition of ideas for the implementation of the new Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris.

The reflection that we lead rests on the confrontation between different ideas that we look to compare, and to merge them within an open and unprejudiced discussion. Each project balances the delicate chemistry between programme/cost/planning and style/integration/history. These parameters are considered as tools that feed conception, and define the uniqueness and the strength of the building which results. The act of architecture is formed from a communal and multidisciplinary work, a contextual montage that is unifying and innovative.




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