ADEPT has designed the library and the surrounding urban spaces as a dynamic meeting place with activities for students, staff and visitors to the Dalarna University.
Vice Chancellor Marita Hilliges described her pride in the new library using two recurring words in her speech to the large public that had gathered for the opening celebrations: "Finally" and "Wow". The Vice Chancellor opened the ceremony, which marks the end of the five-year-long process since the decision was taken to build a new library.
Description of the project by ADEPT.
Dalarna Media Library is organized as a ’spiral of knowledge’ identifying a new library culture that stages a wide spectre of experiences and inspiration. The natural terrain of the surrounding landscape is continued as a ramp that spirals up through the central atrium of the library - its heart - where all search of information and orientation take place.
The spiral of knowledge creates a variated study environment allowing the students to move about in the heart space of the library or to withdraw to more quiet and tranquille areas along the facade. The variation of sound levels and the differentiation of activities creates a versatile library that is rich in experiences. The building has its very own spatial character uniting library and multi media functions to create synergy with the existing university complex.
The characteristic double facade with reflecting horisontal lamellae fronting a wood cladding is developed in collaboration with Danish artist Jeppe Hein. Instead of creating an isolated piece of art work Jeppe Hein and ADEPT has developed the competition design for the facade into a detailed and refi ned expression with an immateriality that mirrors its surroundings and the people in it with broken reflections. The lamellae are made from highly polished stainless steel while their wooden background is a siberian larch.
The new library is the main attraction and new entrance arriving to the university. To emphasize this, the surrounding spaces are transformed from a large parking lot to an integrated urban plaza, which handles the user and visitor fl ows at the same time as it optimizes the public spaces around the building into defined activity zones and intimite recreational areas.
Dalarna Media Library is designed and planned by ADEPT (DK) on the winning proposal developed in collaboration with Sou Fujimoto Architects (JP).
Program.- media library.
Architects.- Adept.
Competition Team.- Adept, Rambøll, Sou Fujimoto, Topotek1, Bosch & Fjord. Engineers.- Ramböll Sweden Ab, Sweco Systems Ab, Brandskyddslaget. Facade in collaboration with.- Jeppe Hein.
Client.- Förvaltningsbolaget Högskolefastigheten Ab.
Contractor.- Hmb Construction Ab.
Area.- 3,000 sqm
Completion.- 2014.