Architecture workshop in the desert

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Jorge Losada, Lola Rodríguez. Losada Rodríguez Arquitectos

Losada Rodríguez Arquitectos. Architecture studio founded in 2015 by Jorge Losada and Lola Rodríguez, in the north of Peru, the office where they develop their ideas. His first project in this country, the Architecture Workshop in the desert, was widely awarded and published in various media: Arkinka and Proyecta in Peru, Summa+ and Plot in Argentina, and in Mexico the Arquine publishing house included it in its book “RADICAL, 50 Latin American architectures” in which, in his opinion, were the 50 most outstanding young Latin American offices. He was selected as the representative of Peru for the X Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism of Sao Paulo. In 2018 they won the First Prize in the International Competition for Bicentennial Schools, taking charge of the design of the Costa Lluviosa region. In 2019, within the Plan A 0100 collective, they won the competition for the new headquarters of the Universidad Científica del Sur in Lima, which is now under construction. And in 2020 and 2021, the competition for the University Clinic and the Ate Headquarters, from this same university.

Lola Rodríguez has a Master's degree in Theory and History of Architecture from the University of Navarra and an architect from the same university. She enrolled in the Doctorate Program "History and Critical Analysis of Spanish Architecture of the 20th Century" with a research on modern ephemeral architecture. She has done research stays at the Architectural Association, Columbia University and the Getty Research Institute. She has participated in numerous congresses and published in different national and international magazines. Previously, her teaching and research career has been developed in the Department of Architectural Projects of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Navarra. She currently works as an Ordinary Professor in the Projects area of ​​the Architecture Program of the University of Piura and co-directs the Losada Rodríguez Arquitectos office.
Jorge Losada  is a Doctor of Architecture from the University of Navarra. His research focuses on theory, criticism and history of the modern and contemporary project. He has a two-year Specialization in Landscape and Environment. His work is divided into the professional field, research and teaching. He has taught Project courses at the University of Navarra and the University of Piura. He has been Visiting Scholar at Columbia University and the Milan Polytechnic, Visiting Critic at Otaniemi University, and Visiting Researcher at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. He has participated in numerous congresses and published research articles in different national and international journals. Since 2014 he works in the Architecture Program of the University of Piura (Peru) as an Ordinary Professor in the Projects Area, of which he is also coordinator.

Jorge Losada

Jorge Losada is an architect from the University of Navarra since 2005, specializing in Landscape and Environment and PhD in Architecture in 2012 at the same university. He has been invited as a researcher and critic in different schools such as the Polytechnic of Milan, the Helsinki University of Technology and Columbia University in New York. He has worked as an associate teacher in various departments of the University of Navarra and currently as a professor of architectural projects in Peru's Piura University.

Jorge Losada, Mario Alonso Ricci, Michele Albanelli. Plan A

Plan A is an architecture office based in Lima and Piura, Peru, led by Jorge Losada, Mario Alonso Ricci and Michele Albanelli. The partners have studied their careers in Peru, Spain and Italy and have taken postgraduate courses in the United States, Germany and Spain, practicing as professionals and enriching themselves in different contexts. Their team includes architects, interior designers and graphic designers, who allow a comprehensive approach to the architectural project and respond to its complexity from different angles; from spatial quality, technical construction or structural aspects to territorial, urban or landscape dimensions, going through economic or commercial aspects. This polyhedral composition allows them to develop pertinent and specific projects where the skills of each one will be put at the service of the client's proposals.

Jorge Losada is a Doctor of Architecture from the University of Navarra. His research focuses on theory, criticism and history of the modern and contemporary project. He has a master's degree in Landscape and Environment. His work is distributed in the professional field, research and teaching. He has taught Project courses at the University of Navarra and at the University of Piura. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University and the Milan Polytechnic, a Visiting Critic at the University of Otaniemi, and a Visiting Researcher at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. He has participated in numerous conferences and published research articles in different national and international journals. Since 2014 he has been working in the Architecture Program of the University of Piura (Peru) as Ordinary Professor in the Project Area, of which he is also coordinator.

Mario Alonso Ricci is an architect from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC) with a master's degree in product design research from the IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) in Madrid and a master's degree in User Experience Design (UX) from the International University from La Rioja, Spain. He has been teaching project courses for almost 15 years, and is currently the academic director of the professional interior design program at the UPC and Co-founder of the design collective Peru Design Collective. He has been an exhibitor at Milan Design Week (2017 and 2018), a speaker at MADE18 (Sao Paulo, Brazil) and Pecha Kucha Night Lima.

Michele Albanelli is an architect, Master of Architecture, Stäedelschule Architecture Class in Frankfurt am Main, 2009. In 2008 he received the Gunther Bock Prize scholarship. He is co-director of the architecture studios DIADIA Arquitectura and Plan A0100, both in Lima (Peru), from where he conceives and develops projects of various kinds and scales, collaboratively and with particular emphasis on the playful and educational dimension of space. He is the author of the book Learning Spaces, in the process of being published by the UPC Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (Lima, 2021). Albanelli is a Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Professor of Design, Architecture and the City at Colegio Aleph, where he promotes the integration of architecture as a cultural form in the school curriculum.



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