"The ISARCH Awards are international awards targeting students of architecture.
The aim is to provide a platform for debate surrounding the architecture solutions students contribute within the framework of their university studies.
A further objective of the ISARCH Awards is to encourage young people to join the debate on architecture, contributing their unique vision and opinions."
Prizes (in relationship with other professional awards) are interesting:
First prize €3,000
Second prize €2,000
Third prize €1,000
10 Honourable mentions
30 Finalist
Registration: 23rd April – 25th October (30,00 euros in three times: 9/07/2012 - euros 60,00 and 21/09/2012 - euros 90,00)
22nd October – 12th November 2012
Publication of all competition entries on the ISARCH website.
Deliberation period for the professional panel of judges. (60% of the final score).
Public voting period starts on the ISARCH website.(40 % of the final score).
19th November 2012
Announcement on the ISARCH website of:
The winners of the First, Second and Third prizes
The 10 Honourable mentions
The 30 Finalists.