The international ideas competition, held in 2015–2016, the second most popular Finnish architectural competition of all time attracted nearly 700 entries from around the world, being won by five young women architects, something that those responsible for the competition do not seem to like. Anu Puustinen of Avanto Architects, who represented the Architects Union, was puzzled by the rejection of the winning entry.
The final extension project was commissioned to A-Konsultit Architects in the summer of 2020, who was also responsible for the renovation of both museums, and showed that it better managed the wishes of the politicians on duty.

Aalto2 Museum Centre. The staircase of the Alvar Aalto Museum (1971-73) after the renovation. Photograph by Maija Holma / Alvar Aalto Foundation.
The renovated Alvar Aalto Museum will open its doors after a break of three years. The museum has undergone structural repairs, the building services have been renewed, and changes have been made to the facilities to serve the new Aalto2 concept.
The light and spacious extension has a common lobby space, museum shop and café form a whole. With the improved accessibility of Aalto2 and the joint use of the premises, larger exhibitions, related events and service packages can be offered for different target groups.

Alvar Aalto Museum and the Museum of Central Finland. Photograph by Raisa Nerg / The Museum of Central Finland.
Alvar Aalto and the spirit of Central Finland. New permanent exhibitions of the Aalto2.
The new permanent exhibition at the Alvar Aalto Museum, “AALTO – Work and Life”, presents Aalto’s work and the ideas and influences behind his designs. The exhibition introduces visitors to the life and work of Alvar Aalto (1898–1976). Aalto is known as an architect and designer who worked with his wives, Aino Aalto (1894–1949) and Elissa Aalto (1922–1994), but also with a wide range of architects at his office, and with other important collaborators.
The permanent exhibition of the Museum of Central Finland, "Exploring Central Finland", lets visitors explore the cultural heritage of Central Finland. The exhibition traces the spirit of Central Finland from prehistoric times to the year 2000.