Watch as the original craftsman makes Eames Shell Chairs recreating the same process they used half a century ago. , full_html
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Lecture by Theo Jansen, engineer, scientist and artist “Strandbeest” , full_html
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Within its ten years of existence, along six editions, the international program Madrid Abierto has produced 65 artistic interventions. In its different editions, specific sections on audiovisual and sound-works, discussions panels, presentations…
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The Architecture Foundation’s headline lecture and trans-disciplinary meeting of minds this year sees architect Rem Koolhaas in conversation with Sir Nicholas Serota. , full_html
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Rem Koolhaas y Nicholas Serota en la TATE
I think , that although newspapers, magazines and book stores need to be redefined, the books, at the moment, have more opportunity in our live. After Christmas is time to rearrange the shelves of bookstores. As always there are booksellers who…
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The Joy Of Books
Ed Barrett's award winning MA graduation film. , full_html
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Today is the day of the Three Kings in Spain (like Santa Claus, but three and a little less thick: Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar), children dream, and all around with them, so bring a video projection by PostPanic to Efteling, a Dutch theme park. ,…
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Es tiempo de niños, llegan los "Reyes Magos". Por cuarto año consecutivo la Asociación Dos de Mayo promovió las Jornadas de Trasformaciones Urbanas, en Bilbao. Estas jornadas pretenden acercar el urbanismo a los ciudadanos tratando de favorecer…
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Graduation animated short film by David de Rooij & Jelle Brunt. , full_html
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Today and tomorrow are days of "Three Kings" and dreams, by "infants" and not as infants, ie, dreams like those told in this special interview. I Met The Walrus is an animated short by James Braithwaite, in which John Lennon answers a 14-year-old’s…
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