On June 21st, DHUB opens its latest exhibition, Interaction Laboratory, a showing of interactive pieces that use technology to establish a dialogue between man and machine. , full_html
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Augmented Shadow
We are obviously late to the game with the Dot: 360º video capture for the iPhone 4 Kickstarter campaign, as they already met their goal. How exciting is the product idea? The thought of owning one makes me giddy. Great! , full_html
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Dot: 360º video capture for the iPhone 4
No comment! , full_html
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Sosolimited is an art and technology studio specializing in interactive environments and multisensory design. , full_html
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Points of View (POV) is a Herman Miller video series about architects’ perspective on design. Directed by Hello Design, POV show us five different California architects’ step by step process from approach and design development to materials choices…
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Artist Aaron Koblin takes vast amounts of data — and at times vast numbers of people — and weaves them into stunning visualizations. From elegant lines tracing airline flights to landscapes of cell phone data, from a Johnny Cash video assembled from…
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A laboratory for ideas, collective Plan01 consists of four architectural groups in Paris: Atelier du pont, BP, Koz and Phileas. Sharing a common space and questioning common sense, the collective works on several projects together, from the…
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Craig Shimala created this video using a mirror effect, making the Chicago skyline into a badass cloud city. It's crazy how a simple mirror filter can transform a video into something else., full_html
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Floating Chicago. Corte de vídeo
German designer Moritz Waldemeyer first worked as a research scientist at Philips before moving into design after approaching architect Ron Arad to work on a collaborative project. Waldemeyer fuses electronics and engineering with art and design,…
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An exceptional project. As we learn from our recent past and is about to disappear. , full_html
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Phillis Wheatley Elementary School by Charles R. Colbert - Curtis & Davis, 1954. Photograph by Frank Lotz Miller